Acekard have released a new update for the AK2i which works with the recent v1.4 update by Nintendo which blocked all flashcarts. In the download there are two files: ak2ifw_update_14_DSi.nds - Use this to upgrade just the one Acekard 2i. ak2ifw_update_14_DSL.nds - Use this to upgrade multiple Acekard 2i without needing to switch off the DSi. Remember, DO NOT update the DSi firmware until you have installed the updated AK2i firmware or you will not be able to upgrade. Upgrade the AK2i firmware first, then the DSi firmware. You can download the Acekard 2i firmware here. You can purchase the Acekard 2i from Gamekool. [UPDATE] More places to download the firmware, sorry I cannot host the file here as it contains copyright code.
Okay, I'm a n00b dumbass that didn't know about this. I wanted to see if I could connect to the internet and updated my DSi, hence getting a black error screen when I try to run the AK2i. My sister has a DS lite she doesn't use anymore(also can't use acekard on her DSi anymore.) What exactly am I suppose to do? Put that update onto the microSD card then into the acekard and put in on the DSlite and update the card on the DSlite? Will it work on the DSi after doing that?
Put that update onto the microSD card then into the acekard 2i i is fo rdsi and put in on the DSlite and update the card on the DSlite? Will it work on the DSi after doing that? yes
it works great on dsi 1.14. theres also a new akaio update out there for the new games not working...