I just purchased for my boy and got AK 2i updated with 1.4 firmware from modchip central along with a DS lite and 8gb mirco card, this is the thing I'm totally new to DS scene and have no idea what I have to do or how to set it up. is there a tutorial for this because it's already updated what files do transfer to the micro or just simply setting it up and what to do in general on a already update flash cart
1. download firmware from http://www.acekard.com/ 2. unzip it using either winrar/winzip/7zip 3. copy __ak2 (folder) and file akmenu4.nds into the root directory of the micro sd card. 4. add games, games are in .nds file format 5. play
Hey Noamos where did you get the AceKard2i? I want to buy one but I keep reading about people getting fake ones, so just want to make sure I don't fall in that category. I was thinking of [uel=http://gamebygame.com/] anyone knows if they are any good? Thanks.
yeah it works. I've just uploaded all the games I had and they all work great.and it's already updated with the 1.4 update just incase you have the DSi with the 1.4 update.