Okay i got my acekard 2i and my nintendo dsi, but now i have some questions. i have tried my luck with google and searched on here and cannot find any answers so i am hoping someone on here will know. AKAIO 1.4.1 proper wont load games so i went onto the official acekard site and got the lastest one from there. Loads roms fine and really impressed but just one problem, when i save a game it will not load it the next time i play. Anyone help? I have formatted using the panasonic formatter. Also anyone know any shortcuts to get back to acekard menu instead of reloading the cartridge.
I dont want to repost but does anyone have any suggestions. I am trying to be patient but i cant be, i just want to play.
hey i have had the same problems as you.their is a forum that helped me solve my problem. here is the link http://www.gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=150830