Acekard 2i with firmware update 1.14E

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Tsubasa11, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Tsubasa11

    Tsubasa11 Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Hi people,

    Later in the night i got an E-mail from Xperton (where i buyed my flashcard). It says there´s an update for the Acekard 2i to work with Ndsi with firmware 1.14E.

    Here´s the mail

    Dear Valued Customers,

    Good news if you have owned a Acekard 2i! You may have updated your DSi with the latest firmware 1.4 and suddenly realised that your beloved Acekard 2i was useless.

    We have brought you the latest development by the Acekard team: the Acekard 2i firmware 1.4 fix. Similar to EZ Flash Vi, you do not need to throw your old Acekard 2i into the bin as its firmware can be updated using the latest firmware 1.4 fix. With the update being released, that has proven once again that the Acekard team is leading the flashcart developement.

    Please visit our help centre at the following address to download the firmware update:

    Updating the firmware is striaghtforward:

    1. Download the firmware update file
    2. Unzip the file
    3. There are two files available
    * ak2ifw_update_14_DSi.nds
    * ak2ifw_update_14_DSL.nds
    4. If you have DS Lite console, use ak2ifw_update_14_DSL.nds
    5. If you have a DSi console with firmware lower than 1.4, use ak2ifw_update_14_DSi.nds
    6. If you have multiple Acekard 2i cards that you wish to update all in a row, run on the DS Lite console using ak2ifw_update_14_DSL.nds


    The Xpertron Team

    After reading that i checked the Acekard official site, but there was nothing written about this.

    My question is if someone knows if theres an update for the Acekard or not.
  2. ut99gp

    ut99gp Member

    Aug 18, 2009
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    i updated to dsi firmware 1.4 before knowing what it would do and of course it blocked my acekard 2i from working. i dowloaded this fix for it unzipped it and dragged it directly to my sd card. i had to use a ds lite to get this to work because with 1.4 firmware dsi won't play your acekard at all. then just up dated from the ds lite. works great now
  3. MSOV1986

    MSOV1986 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2002
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    I have a DSi that is updated to v 1.4. Do I use the dsi or dsl version when updating the firmware shown above? Do I have to use a DS lite to update and if so which file do I use so it will work on a DSi?
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    You need something to run it (the card will not run in the 1.4DSi)

    If you are going to use a DSL to do the upgrade then use 1.4DSL

    If you are using a DSi on 1.3 or lower then ues the 1.4DSi
  5. Padeystar

    Padeystar Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Hey something is wrong with my firmware updating or something. I have the 1.4 DSL update so it can read on my DSI 1.4 when I go to update it tells me "Before update, please eject the card and insert it again." Then underneath that line it says Press B to Continue. I do all that and the screen just stays there, doing ...nothing. I'm using the AceKard2i V2.1 .. Am I doing something wrong? Please help me =(
  6. Shadow2i

    Shadow2i Guest

    i'm Josh.
    I have a firmware update problem too. When I do the DSi update on my DS Original and DS Lite (as my DSi is on 1.4), it works, it updates, but when I put it in my DSi, it still reads as Acekard 2i, and doesn't work. I heard it is supposed to be read as Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle. When I try and do the DSL update on my DSL or DS and it says To Start Update, Reinsert card, etc. I do that, and press B. It still stays the same. When I press B, then start, I still get nothing, it still says the same thing. When I don't reinsert the card and do those, it still says the same. Please, me. What am I doing wrong? D:
  7. Padeystar

    Padeystar Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    I think you might have the bootleg one. The one that only works on 1.3 Dsi Firmware. Since you have 1.4 it won't work at all. The AceKard2i that I had did the same thing. I ordered a new one from dealextreme and that is the better one. Mostly likely a flashcard clone issue or something. The one from dealextreme updated from 1.3 to 1.4 with no prob. It loaded the Danny Phantom icon and everything. Hopes this helps.
  8. Shadow2i

    Shadow2i Guest

    Thanks alot, Pad.
    I ordered a new Acekard 2i from .
    I should be recieving sometime today. For now, i'll just give my Acekard 2i (clone) to my niece, and my TTDS to my friend.
  9. Padeystar

    Padeystar Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Sure, no problem. It sucks when shit like that happens.
  10. Alec2

    Alec2 Member

    May 10, 2002
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    Just updated the Acekard2i with the correct firmware [used my DS Lite] for some reason it stuck at 5% for 2 hours 3 hours later it was at 40% [Went to bed] this morning it was at 80% {went shopping] when I got back it was finished. it asked me if I wanted to do multiples but I declined and rebooted my DS as requested. And yes it was trashed it did not work. I did nothing wrong I used the right firmware but the Acekard was trashed. Be very careful this can happen to anyone - sometimes it works and sometimes it F$@&S up.

    I've tried to find a site with the Acekard2i already updated but no luck as yet. If theres anybody out there that can help, please leave a short cut on this site. PS is saying they do them, but the feedback is not good.
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    xpertron, edit that link out of your sig ASAP as per forum rules. if you want to advertise on this site then you have to pay for it. contact site admin for prices. posts edited.
    1. Advertising via forum messages is strictly prohibited. If you need to advertise your products on our site, contact us via the feedback form and we will negotiate an advertising contract with you/your company.
    3. Providing affilate tagged links to products or services is not allowed.
  12. Shinraboy

    Shinraboy Regular member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Hi there. I just got a Kingdom Hearts Limited Edition version. It's in Japanese and the firmware is 1.0J. I've yet to get my Acekard 2i (it's still on its on its way) and I have not updated the console. Should I update now or when it gets here? Thanks so much :)

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