I have a acer 3690 laptop that a friend gave me. It had a busted screen and case. So I replaced the screen and case. Now when you push the power button the hardrive light comes on for a second then goes off. And the cooling fan start's up for a second then shutoff. Can someone help me with this problem? Thank You Very Much
Are you talking about th power cord that plugs into the wall? I have had desktops that act the same way as this laptop. And it was the power supply. I'll see if I have another one to try? Thanks
NO...the internal power supply (transformer). I had this issue before and basically, the internal PSU wasnt giving out enough power to boot up the PC properly. it would make an attempt then switch back off.I replaced it and it was good again.
Thanks alot for replying. You couldn't tell me where it is located on the motherboard. I don't know alot about laptop's. Thank You for your time
Here is a link to the user manual. It may be helpful. http://www.acerpanam.com/synapse/da...80_5650_5630_5610_5610Z_3690-ENG-OLM_0227.pdf
Im not sure where its located to be honest but check out the manual there. Anyone handy with would swap it out for you.