Acer with Linpus Linux - how to install Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Becky17, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Becky17

    Becky17 Member

    Jan 2, 2008
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    Hi there!

    I just bought a new notebook Acer Aspire (5741G if that matters) which comes with preinstalled Linpus Linux 9.2. As I am completely unfamiliar with this operating system, I would like to install Windows 7 instead. I am stuck at Linux command line root@localhost /]# and obviously can’t boot from Windows CD.

    I've checked things around on the internet and there seem to be several options. I prefer the one where I would wipe my hard disk with a command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1, if that is correct (as I have no intention to stick with Linux). Would I then still need SATA drivers and possibly even others in order for all applications to work – or is this information outdated?

    I am cautious and so far reluctant to use any drastic measures before I explore all the options – I might even decide to leave the installation to professionals... However I always like to explore the matters by myself as far as possible and would really like to figure this one out.

    So anyway, I would really appreciate any extra input on the subject (if possible also from someone with experience at such change of OS on Acer). Step by step guide would really come in handy, there is actually no such complete updated guide to be found (at least I didn’t find it) and I believe many would find it useful.
    Thanks in advance for any help!!
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  3. Tibor_H

    Tibor_H Member

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Dear Moderator, what does it mean, that the topic was moved to the correct forum?
    How is it possible, to find the correct forum with a reply to this post?
    Your answer does not help, because even if I select the CD rom as the first boot device, this pre installed linpus linux does not let me choose any other boot divice other then the HDD or some network boot :(
    Tnak you.

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