Well Ive just Got My ACtion Replay DS and im trying to connect it to my PC but it wont connect. Ive done Every thing in the book but it still wont work please help me!
Usually you have to go to upload/download game save image and when it says the console is not connected, take the usb cable out of the pc and blow in it. This usually works
action replay has a lot of problems with the connection.. make sure its disconnected, restart your computer, and then connect it once you open up the action replay software on your computer. should detect it
Also, you should make sure you installed the Action Replay software before you connected the device, otherwise windows could install the wrong drivers, which would result in it not working. If you did connect it before installing the software you need to go into windows device manager and update the driver.
thank you so much for your help! its working now, thanks again. Spoke to soon.... wheres windows device manger?
Go to the control panel, and open System, click on the hardware tab and choose device manager. You will want to find any device under USB which is unknown, and then right click and choose update driver. You might need the action replay connected for it to show under device manager.
I just got my Action Replay DS. I need help making new codes or cheats. On mine it does not have any option to like hex a code or somthing like that, what do i do i am lost
I need a driver for the AR DS! The damn disk that came with it isn't reading in any of my drives properly!! Anyone have the drivers?
Codejunkies is the place to get it. http://uk.codejunkies.com/downloads/MaxDriveDSsetup1.02.zip this is for the ar max ds.
i got AR max and i hav animal crossing for ds. i see people hav hacked seeds, does any body no were to get them?
i have a ards but i lost the cd before i could install it does any1 know where to get the data for it???
http://us.codejunkies.com/support_home.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1 go to action replay gba/ds for the max drive cd download. i use it for saves on imports too confusing to play through. (bleach ds) even with translation faqs... read this: http://forums.maxconsole.net/archive/index.php/t-37384.html for AR DS installation software. i use it for dipstar. well, not yet. plan to...
Hello, I own A ARDS and when i was updating the codes, i accidentally unplugged the cart during ARDS Boot-up. I have the white screens of death and no flashcard. What should I do?
my computer says my ar isnt connected to my computer and it is i checked everything and nothing was wrong what do i do?