AD is dead...

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by CrisKahn2, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. CrisKahn2

    CrisKahn2 Regular member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    Lately with all the strict rules and zero tolerance for irrelevant post/threads, imo, AD has become quite boring. Well at least the console portion of AD anyways...

    I miss the good ol days when people can just laugh off a ridiculous post. But now it seems that people (AKA mods or people who act/pretend they are mods) take everything little thing so seriously.

    By saying something stupid, playing around or not, you get suspended for a week or so. Which to me is a fair "punishment" but wouldnt it be nice if the mods give you a warning first? Fair or not... I still dont understand how keeping a member away for a week will make any difference. AD just gets less attention and less respect from those who have been suspended. Cuz Im sure that everyone who had been suspended totally believe that they did not do/say anything that bad to begin with...

    Now all you see is "mature" discussions about modding and pirating, downloading games/hacking, all the things "mature" people do. Might as well change the name of the console section of AD to "Instructions on how to modd ur console and never buy videogames again forum"

    It may seem like Im acting like a smart ass, Im not denying it, I am... But Im just tired of the same ol how do i burn games, which dvd drive I should use, or where can i download games threads that are just as lame and stupid as all the fanboy flame threads.

    I miss the sometime silly but yet sophisticated threads that had AD addicts going at each other's throats. Intense arguments/discussions like that keeps people reading...well at least me anyways. Like when Anubis66 started one of the first console debate threads and it had like 8 million pages until it finally closed down due to some mods not liking how people are acting "immature". Even tho hella well respected AD addicts like Anubis66,Steimy, Svtstang,Offrome,Zelda 64,KooKoo67 were constantly posting opinions that are interesting and very informative.

    Yeah go ahead and delete threads like that and continue supporting all the piracy ones...

    Not saying to ignore the rules completely but common...its getting a little too formal up in here. I seriously think that AD should revert back to the way it was a year or two ago...that is what made AD so popular in the first place.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    if people keep abusing these very public forums, we have to take things seriously. Nothing boring about a well-kept website; this is not one of the other gazillion console sites where anything goes, that are usually started up people who get kicked off sites such as this; seems every kid with a console has his own site these days, but most of the ones i've lurked on are horrendously bad, due to the very immaturity of the people who start up those sites; but hey ho, that's not our problem here, they can act how they want on their own sites.

    i can speak for myself and other mods when i say people do get warned; but of course we choose to take harsher action for those rulebreakers who go out of their way to inflict their unwanted misbehaviour on this site; as i say, a gazillion other sites are run the way you would obviously prefer them to be, i don't think the Admins of this site would want their site to be like those kind of sites

    you're surely not serious ??? ... respect from the kids who can't type with maturity or contribute to forums without all their teenage angst ?... somehow i think we'll cope without such peoples' respect (or lack thereof), in fact the reason people such as yourself complain about the mods on this site is that as we're one of the most popular sites out there, thus we attract half the internet, and unfortunately not all the kind of people such oldies like me would want to see on any site, never mind this site; i'm a respected member on some work-related forums where the only thing that (rarely) happens (that shouldn't) are the odd multipost. Here we have far too many youngsters running amok and making the site look bad (just think of all the pages of closed posts, we should really hide them instead of just closing them but it'd take years)

    well 'fraid myself and the other mods would strongly disagree with you there

    just how us mature people like it; plus we're obviously doing our job here as the Admins would want us to

    one of the classic downsides of forums, it's a symptom of the internet, everyone and his best mate are far too lazy to learn anything for themselves, they want it all laid out for them; needless to say i myself use the internet in my job as a research tool, not as some lazy place to get other people to do everything for me, my job requires i be able to solve anything at the drop of a hat; the internet and forums make things so much easier, but what i do is use information i find to add to what i already know, i don't expect people to earn my wages for me

    - again, unsurprisingly, this mature person/mod doesn't like the kind of immaturity to the extent you would love to see here; this is all down to the people doing the posting, we do indeed have some very respected members, it's not them we have a problem with, just those that can't act 'maturely'

    Rules are only there for those who would break them; also, popularity is different things to different people, this oldie grew up before the internet thus knows how to behave correctly online and when i read thru a thread and cringe then i imagine what other 'mature' people must think when they read such tripe. Now i'm out of breath and have some stuff to tweak on my xbox; i've been getting all my xbox know-how here at AD in fact, from 'mature' threads :)

    edit- just the kind of poster you would rather see and us mods wouldn't -
    Case closed methinks
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2007
  3. CKhaleel

    CKhaleel Regular member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Wow dude, get a life.
  4. iluvendo

    iluvendo Active member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Creaky, I go and participate on this site because it is well managed by people as yourself. Here at AD a good discussion is afforded and encourged.If CrisHahn2 doesn't like it here (and the rules) he is by no means bound here as chattel an may start his own site or not participate . The choice is his. Creaky, 2 BIG thumbs up and a generous pat on the back to you and the rest of the mods for a great job. A very long and overdue thank you!

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Don't talk to creaky like that *spank, spank* :)

    ( BTW, I know you weren't talking about creaky)

    I for one am done with warnings, from here on out ban first and ask questions later 'cause it's banhammer time...


    There should really be no need for warnings anyway as the rules are right there for everyone to see in black and white...the same rules which every single member of this site agreed to obey when they created their account. Sr. members and Addicts should help be a part of the solution instead of being a part of the problem. Like creaky said, this is one of the most successful "tech" websites around so for everyone who gets banned there are 10 more ready to step into their shoes and carry on with normal forum behavior.
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    in the consol section, mods have free reign to ban idiots 1st & ask questions later. that is direct from drd himself so if you don't like it then leave as it is your choice.
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Glad we're at least providing you and your friends with entertainment Gerry, unintentional or otherwise. Had thought that things with yourself would have calmed down over the last few weeks, seems not.
  8. CrisKahn2

    CrisKahn2 Regular member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    (AKA mods or people who act/pretend they are mods) ...nuff said.

    I do like it here...not just as much as before.

    edit: what a kiss ass. Just realized it after I read my post!

    I totally understand. But why close a good thread when a couple of people are acting retarded while there are countless of people actually enjoying and contributing their time and effort to share their opinions. Why punish them?

    Its funny how "kids" who cant seem to be able to type with maturity are the ones that actually realize that this is just the internet and know not to take what random strangers say so seriuosly. Im sure the majority of this site are "kids" anyways.

    Actually Im not complaining...Im sharing my opinion. 1st amendment is great. Why do you think that AD is one of the most popular sites out there? It must be those darn kids...

    Anywho its not that I have that major of a problem with the mods...they can do whatever they want. If you cant beat em join em... I just dont like how good threads get closed down. Maybe suspending members who dont follow forum rules would be a better solution rather then closing the whole thread completely?

    Dont have anything else to say really. Just wanted to see if anyone actually agreed with me.

    Carry on AfterDawn
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2007
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    CrisKahn2, the 1st amendment only counts in the states, not other countries like finland where this site is located or canada where i'm located.
  10. CKhaleel

    CKhaleel Regular member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Can someone please close this thread?
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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