Adding and Swapping HDD's

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by sdc1983, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. sdc1983

    sdc1983 Regular member

    May 25, 2006
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    I am planning on swapping out the HDD on a softmodded XBOX. I read alot of the forums on here and they were a great help but I do have some other questions.
    The HDD I'm planning on using is one I removed from my PC. Its a Mxtor 80 gig. I think it still has windows on it but I will format again to be sure.
    My main question is what is the simplest way of setting this up?
    Is it possible to do something like a "Ghost" image to transfer to the filed from the old HDD to the new HDD?
    I don't want to have to rebuild it from scratch
    Also I have another XBOX lying around which I don't use cause it doesn't load the dashboard or anything and the DVD drive seems to be stuck but I was wondering if I could use the HDD from my modded xbox and put it in the broken one.
    I know I need an eeprom file so that brings me to my last question. Is there any way to get the eeprom off that HDD without using an eeprom reader that needs to be built with parts from Radio Shack?
    Is there a way to hook it up to a PC or another xbox and pull the file off it?

    Thanks for taking the time to read through my novel and any advice would be great. Even if someone could provide me with a link to another thread that has this info or a link to a site would be awesome.
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    ok to upgrade the HD on a Softmodded Xbox you will need to use XboxHDM 1.9
    here is a tutorial for that
    Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial

    if you have already read that then i dont know why you posted here its self explanatory.....

    and if you want to open your DVD Drive on the other xbox manually click my name and i have a tutorial there on how to do that...
  3. sdc1983

    sdc1983 Regular member

    May 25, 2006
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    the reason why I posted this was because most of the threads I've seen about soft mods refer to Action Replay.
    I don't have action replay and don't have any intention on buying it.

    but thanks for this though
    In regards to the DVD drive I was planning on replacing that I got a friend with a spare I'm going to use my question was would I able to use the HDD from my already modded box and swap that out with the HDD in the broken box.
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no, the hdd from the already modded xbox has thats Xbox eeprom on it if you put that into the other xbox you will get an error will need to get the eeprom off of that xbox....
  5. sdc1983

    sdc1983 Regular member

    May 25, 2006
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    Ok that's what I was pretty much told just wanted to clarify that and to do that I need that radio shack eeprom reader thing right? theres no other way around it?
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea or buy a modchip to put in the other xbox....
  7. sdc1983

    sdc1983 Regular member

    May 25, 2006
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    thanks for clearing that up for me

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