Open the emulator folder via FTP and look for the roms folder. There is a file in it caled "put roms here" and that's what you do. The readme file that came with the emulator expalains everything.
whenever i modded my xbox, it didn't come with a emu. folder so i just put the emulator inthe games folder. where do i put them now?
You can make a folder in E:\ apps or just E:\emulators.. You will need to edit evox.ini (if that's what you use as a dash) to point at the folder or you won't be able to find 'em..The roms live inside the emulator in most cases. How do I edit a .ini file? I hear you ask...the answer is here..
sorry to say, but i really didn't learn how to edit that thing whenever i was reading it. btw, i use unleash x, not evox
yes unleash x is pretty awesome i think it's better than evox but i have both so i dont care...does any1 know where tro find some good emu's for the xbox?
Just look around the torrent world for the "big ass emulator disk" in the xbox sections.. it's got just about every one The editing .ini files is pretty generic..unleash has one too. It's very useful knowing how to edit one occasionally when you put something somewhere different.