Can you please tell me how I add each music name when I burn a CD on IMGburn? I have the wav files and the cue file, all working fine. Now I burnt a CD, but the themes names is not shown on the screen. I think there must be something else I must setup on the program. How do I do that? Thanks!
Can you post a shot of what your looking at when you say names not shown on screen (you can us the free software mwsnap to take a portion of the picture without the whole screen). Also place one or two of the files in the cloud & provide a link via pm as well as the cue. Before you do any of the above install mp3tag. Then open all the files by left clicking & selecting all, (or use edit in menu bar to select all) then right click on any of the songs while they're highlighted. This will load them once you use the context menu & mp3tag opens them.In the main window to the right you will now have a list.Click on one.Now look in left menu column.This is where you add tags & the file name should be & any info that gets read by any player,not by the name of the file that you see when it's in a folder.My suspicion is there are no tags entered internally it has nothing to do with imgburn
mp3tag is a audio tag editor not just for mp3.Agreed mp3 is not the best below 320kbps (preferably 320 variable bit rate)
Well, your 'expertise' gets you into trouble. Wave file spects have no titles so it is impossible to do what you want to do. As Scorp stated variable bit rates have a very high quality. In fact it will faithfully reproduce 19,850 Htz. A 20 year old can't hear 18,000 Hz. Unless you are a teenager or have super human powers you can't hear the minuscule difference between the 2 formats. That you think you can tell the difference isn't reality. The big difference is the VBRs do have names while waves don't. Most adults can't tell lossless from 160 BR. I doubt any can in a double blind test.