Could a mod or an admin please synchronize my blog time stamp with my timezone stamp. Or is it something i can do from my profile or account CP? I don't know if i've posted this in the right place - did a search of site and was jumped to this spot. Thank you in advance;
Thanks LOCOENG for the link, but there was nothing there that looked like it would synchronize the blog time-stamp with my timezone...perhaps it has to be done inside the database [??) Perhaps a SM [super moderator]would be willing to add his/her expertise to the fray. again...thank you in advance for anything that could move me closer to solving this small dilemma Cheers and peace to all - Jougukny -
There are no supermods here, just mods, staff members and admin. There should be a drop down menu in the link that I gave you to change your "default" time zone, if that doesn't help then it may well be a data base issue that admins (dRD or Ketola) will have to look into.
Once again, thanks for responding. Yes, i saw the time adjustment but that's only for my timezone synchronization - I think you are right (though i'm a monkey with a keyborad) that it is probably fixable in the data base. I'll contact dRD or Ketola. I appreciate your help.
Thank you for reporting the problem. The profile pages are still being worked on, and the timezones will be implemented there by early next week. Hopefully you can bear with us till then! =)
Sure can... It's not a big deal; just something that i noticed and i tend to obsess over trival matters. I'll check back into my profile in a week or so do what adjustments i can from there. You all are very helpful