ok, i just payed out the *** for adobe illustrator cs2 and I decided that It should go on my desktop at work and my laptop at home. so I did. which required me to activate it on two computers. which seemed strange to me, but i didnt think long on it. then my friend told me that that was a violation of copywrite laws and im going to get sued. so. I feel a little uneasy. what should i do?
i usually dont, but I dont want to call them and tell them that im violating their thing! Dont you see? And dont you have to reinstall to view the eula again? I figured posting here would be faster...
ok, I read some of the eula, and it says that i CAN have the program installed on a portable computer and a home computer or something similar. BUT. it says that they must not be used at the same time. And i really cant control who uses my computer at work. So. My real question is I guess that can they know if im using both at once? Also i noted now that the name I used to active are not Exactly the same, though the serials are. Can they know this? the eula didnt say anything about this.
EULA's can generalize, leaving alot open to debate...but there's nothing wrong with asking someone at Adobe to help clarify the issue without stating that you've already gone and done that. It's the same with Microsoft's EULA for XP. You can make one legitimate copy of the OS CD to keep either on another CD, hard drive, server or other media. However, so long as only one key is being used per installaion. Adobe's may be different. I am also using CS2, I'll have a look around the EULA to see if there's anything in there that applys. EDIT: Like I said, some EULA's leave alot to be desired when it comes to proper interpretation. According to section 2.4, it does state that you can have two working copies so long as you're not using both at the same time. Since it's impossible for you to be at work and at home at the exact same time...it reads to me that in order to fulfill this requirement..simply leave your laptop at home. However, if you feel that this isn't legit, remove the copy from your work computer and bring your laptop and use it instead.
as much as I'd love for it to be that simple, others have access to my work computer at anytime. so if i happen to be working at home, and someone is at my other computer... I guess I'll just ininstall it here. thanks