I currently own a Phenom ii x2 555 Black Edition, 4 gb DDR3 ram, SATA3 HDD, and a ATX case I'm asking for your recommendations on Motherboards, Gpu, and Psu to not bottleneck the computer my price range is about $180
Mobo GIGABYTE GA-MA78LMT-S2 AM3 $64.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128455 This mobo has ACC that can un-lock hidden cores. I have used a few of them and it's a good AM3 mobo which you will need for your DDR3 RAM. GPU SAPPHIRE HD 4650 512MB 128-bit $68.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102829 This is an excellent card for a moderate gamer. PSU Antec EarthWatts Green 380W $44.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371033 80 PLUS BRONZE certified 380W output. More than enough. Total 178.97
You do know that 555 you have has hidden cores that possibly could be unlocked to turn it into a PH ii x4 B55 BE. I just unlocked 3 of them and they can beat a stock PH ii x4 970 in benchmarks. You might try to unlock but it's one of those things that has no guarantee.... If it does, your lucky. If it don't, you haven't lost anything by trying.. Lots of luck on your build. 2oG
@ 2oldGeek Yes i have unlocked them before, i had the computer built and running, but ran into some hardware problems so i returned the Mobo, Psu, and Gpu. I did unlock the remaining 2 cores successfully
Have been unlocking PHii x3 720's for a long time and love them but can't seem to get them any more, dang-it. Just started with the 555 and am gonna like it even more because it's a C3 stepper... wishing you success. Have a happy! 2oG
X3 720 was discontinued a while back. I'd be wary of Sapphire non-reference cards like that one, they're usually quite unreliable. I typically recommend XFX.
Yeah the 720 is passe' but the 740 is coming along very well. After opening up some 555's I'm hooked. C3 stepping, opens up and overclocks like a Swiss Watch Shop.... Sam, I would take your judgment on a video card over mine anytime 'cause I'm not a gamer.. But, I have used some of these Saphire's in builds that have never complained.. My Grand kids are some of the victims. lol
lmao Thanks ddp, you made my day.. That's what I have always thought but just kept it to myself. p.s. I have 13 Grand kids that I use for "Quality Control" lol