After Flashing

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Magil, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. Magil

    Magil Member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    What screen should you see after you've flashed your bios and it shuts it self off. If you turn it on right from there what screen should come up if you just take the cd out and let the mod run?
  2. shdwsfall

    shdwsfall Regular member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    After flashing, your Xbox will boot up normally: The Flubber animation, the "X" logo, and then the dashboard. If you edited your bios to change the color of the "X" (which I recommend so you know it was a successful flash) then you will know for sure. But it should just boot up normal, the same way it would if the chip was turned off.
  3. Magil

    Magil Member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    I flashed it with Oz Flash cause I had Cromwell. Now i'm trying to flash it again with M7 and it won't respond, it says looking for Bios.bin on Disc. Bios.bin not found on disc. then it says trying to Load Linux. which isn't found. so it says Halting. What can I try from here. I tried making a couple diffrent disc with Huge Dummyfiles and tried diffrent Bios also.
  4. shdwsfall

    shdwsfall Regular member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I used a new chip, so it had the newest version of cromwell on it, not sure what version you have. To make the CD, use a program called XBtool to edit your bios the way you want: change the color of the "X" logo, make sure its says that it first looks for evoxdash.xbe then second xboxdash.xbe and then under DVD make sure it looks for default.xbe, this should already be set and you should only need to chage the colors if you want, and make sure you select the 1MB size (1024K) and then click save. Save the file as bios.bin *note all lowercase!

    Now that you have your bios.bin file, you need to put it on a CDRW or DVD-R. If you use a CDRW, you may need to try different brands before you find one that works with your Xbox. TDK, Sony, and Memorex seem to be the most reliable.

    To make the CD: use nero 5 and when it opens, the wizard may pop up, close this, and go to File on your toolbar and select New. Now make sure on the far left at the top CD-rom (ISO) is selected.
    Now click on the muti-session tab. Make sure that No Multisession is selected. on the ISO tab make sure that ISO level 1, Mode 1, Character set: ISO 9660, Allow for more than 255 chars. in path, and Allow pathdepth of more than 8 directories are all slected. Make sure that Joliet is deselected.
    Now click on the burn tab. Make sure that Write and Finalize CD are checked. Also make sure that the write speed is the slowest possible, and that the method is selected at Disk At Once. Now click the NEW button.

    Find the bios.bin file and drag it over to the window to be bunt onto the CD. make sure you DO NOT put this file in any folders when it is on the CD. It should be in the ROOT directory which simply means not in any folders at all.

    Now to make the dummy file, all I did was right click underneath the bios.bin file in the burning window and select: Create new folder. The folder will stay named NEW. Pick any file or files from your computer that is or adds up to be around 250 MBs. Put this file or files in this folder.

    So looking at your screen (you may need to be sure that at the top left corner of the screen you are looking at the whole CD and not the folder you created. The little picture of the CD labled NEW should be selected) and you should see that you have this:

    bios.bin (file)
    NEW (folder w/ dummy file)

    Thats all that goes on the CD.
    Now select burn, and insert a CDRW. In my experiance TDK seems to be the most reliable CDRW, but it may not work for everyone. And if you have a DVD burner, then burn it the same way, only for a DVD. DVD-R (any brand) are supposed to be able to work with any Xbox.

    Now turn on your Xbox, and insert your CD. you may need to try the CD a few times before it reads.

    I am not familiar with the OZ flash meathod. Never used it and I have had no problems at all.


  5. shdwsfall

    shdwsfall Regular member

    Jan 3, 2004
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  6. willea

    willea Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    When I try to burn the cd nero says:

    HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8080N
    Illegal mode for this track
    HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8080N
    Could not perform disc-at-once
  7. Scot

    Scot Regular member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    use record now max. Here is a link for a free 30 day download.

    just close the wizard that pops up, select the image tab, pick your recorder, add your iso (this requires you to change the pull down to locate .iso files.) and burn at what ever speed it gives you 2x is usually good. I recommend making your iso files with craxtion or gdfimage.

    Also on a note, if your computer is using the fat32 file system, you will not be able to burn over 4 gig files. You need to have your computer formated NTFS.

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