I think afterdawn should have a contest who ever makes the best afterdawn wallpaper wins a t-shirt or something Thats my suggestion
i think they need a new backround, iv been seeing the blue grids for a long time, maybe you can change the colour to red after a bit or maybe orange. orange matches with everything on this site.
As far as wallpapers go, you can download our desktop wallpapers from: http://www.afterdawn.com/general/desktop.cfm And as far as the site's layout goes, we've scheduled to begin work on "AfterDawn v4" sometime in late 2006 / early 2007 and expect it to take about a year to get it launched, so I wouldn't exactly hold my breath for the new layout anytime soon The last layout redesign (when the current one was launched) was launched in December, 2003 so its less than 2 years old and we prefer to have long production cycles for our layouts, as change of layout means change of company image, promotional stuff, etc. Next version will also most likely be based on pure XHTML / CSS2 and we expect that by 2007 the browser evolution has finally killed off browsers that wont support those standards.