Afterdawn worth nearly $500K

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Phantom69, Feb 28, 2007.

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  1. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    i was surfing the net... as you do then came accross this site:
    And when i entered "" in the url it estimates that this site is worth $495,704.00 congratumalations, dont know how much the site is really worth but thats a pretty high estimate and a whole other story. :) keep up the good work guys.
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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  3. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    it's worth $0.02 in my opinion. It's a cool site, but it has sorta "expired" if you know what I mean...
  4. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    got too big, and then the morons from the console forums began to multiply and spread to other forums.

    honestly, though, does anyone have a real feasible solution to bring AD back to it's former glory? the intellect of the entire internet has dropped in recent years.
  5. tbiggs

    tbiggs Guest

    they need to remove all the consoles and gaming crap , or at least reduce it by 90% , and things will improve dramaticly in my opinion .

    i use to look foward to hanging out here everynight after work about a year or so ago , but now with all the flaming and modding going about , its nowwhere near as enjoyable as it once was !!

    i still stop in for the news and to participate when and where possible , but its really becomeing more of a joke then anything to try and even sort through the forums and respond to 3/4 of this crap as most of it is bickering and or modding , most of the threads start out with good intention then quickly turn into whats seems to me as teenage rebelion ??

    donno for sure , but i can tell u that this is definalty not the same afterdawn it was a year ago , not exactly sure when things started to change as i have moved around a bit and have been offline for a couple mounths at a time , but what i do know is that it really stinks as this was truely the best place to hang on the net for the the most up to date info on backing up media to removing the latest pest , now it seems that its the one and only hotspot on how to load this iso and that for psp's and every other gameing system out there .

    might as well do away with everything else except for the gaming forums as they same bs from there keeps finding its way into almost every other thread and quickly turning into what was suposed to help somebody into telling this and that person to conform with rules about sigs and what not to flaming one another over stoopid childish sheet .

    oh well , i will quit crying as its not gonna do a darn bit a good anyway , its the traffic that pays the bills so this sheet is never gonna stop , its only gonna keep getting worse and worse which really blows as i can think of 2 other worth while sites for p2p news , but cannot think of any other forums that even came close to the ones here on ad , so wake up kids and get with the program if posible before whats left is completly polluted beyond repair .
  6. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    oh sorry didnt see that before... my bad
  7. Jannejt

    Jannejt Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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