First off I would like to give thanks to some expert modders that have helped me take my xbox from nothing more than a dash back to working order. This all while dealing with a total newb like myself, so here goes//// thanks to JXP2307,theking07 and theridges. Hats off to all you knowlegable individuals who help others on this site, because it's just what guys like myself need<<<<knowledge like yours. I do have another question however for someone who may have had this prob. or who knows how to fix it. Upon completing my AID3.0 install I was told in the manual to back up the aid info onto the HDD. I chose this selection and it began working away. I left to do some stuff and upon returning I realized there was a prompt stating [Batch process failed.] [The last item was:.] [Actioneleted]. Now I don't have a clue as to what this means, but I hope someone does. I have two discs' burnt as I am new to ISOS' and I have been trying new things to ensure I made the ISO right. Everything else seems fine except I have no roms for my emules to play ( which I have been told I have to download and put into files ) and I can't seem to FTP with any dashboard through static or DHCP. I always get a lost connection prompt though I know my cable is good on static and the settings are right, but I'm not sure my router settings are correct. Anyway I am getting off course. Is there any reason I should be getting this batch process failure at the end and could it be affecting anything I have mentioned.
The discs you are using, the media you are using, can't read the files properly. Use better discs like Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and burn at 2x or 4x. Also, try seting your settings to [bold]static[/bold] and if this doesen't work, try putting static off. Also, make sure FTP is enabled and that the username is "XBOX" and the password (default) is "xbox" -Mike
Thanks for the input, but I purchased the media types you suggested and burnt another ISO onto both types and unfortunately got the same batch process error, so it the problem with my current ISO?? I followed the manual as closely as possible when creating the ISO, but must say some things outlined are a little out of my understanding, so I did the best I could. That is probably my issue. I really wish there was a place to get a pre made AID disc,,,lol. Anyway if anyone has any advice out there, please feel free to lend me some advise.
Where did you get AID3? You should try Xbox-scene, or the Aid3 forums, to try re-downloading it. -Mike
Thanks Mik3h, for the advise. I re-downloaded the aid 3.0 file as well as the 3.03 update. Upon reburning the ISO onto a Verbatim DVD-R disc everything went as it was supposed to. Now my last question is where is a good site to get the emulator ROMs' from and how do you get them into the proper files so I can play them. I always get the No Roms Gound//Please edit surreal.ini and refresh by pressing Y?
You can get ROMS from - for the older consoles, but for newer consoles like N64, try - and for PSX games, well, try and the reason it gives you that error, is because there are no ROMS in the ROMS folder! And if there is, they are not in the correct format, so try getting them elsewhere. -Mike
Ok, cool I will check out these sites. I just ask my next question to ensure I don't add any extra files to clutter my hdd with double file types. The AID installer disc I made contains a folder for the emulator ROMs'. The disc itself contains no actual ROMs'. Is that correct to assume? If this is the case then I need to go to one of the sites you listed and download the ROMs' I want to play, right? I am only asking these questions to ensure I have a good understanding of what I need to do next. Also while choosing which roms I can download, do I need to do anything else other than to ensure the roms are from the system type I will be installing them too. Lastly once the roms are downloaded what do I need to do to prepare them for transfer and can I FTP them to the proper directory on my box? Sorry about all the questions. I just know very little about all of this and am so close to fixing my previous problem. Thanks for your helpfull knowledge so far.
No problem. No, AID does not come with [bold]any[/bold] ROMS. And yes, download the ROMS and extract them and FTP them to the correct ROMS directory. -Mike