I understand how to add album art to my tracks on my ipod, but i was wondering if there was a way that i could highlight all the songs in an album and just add the art to all of them at once instead of dragging and dropping them on every single track...help please
To change Album art in batches ~ i.e, if you want to apply the album art for 'Michael Jackson, Essential', then you type that into the 'search' bar. Then, once you have segregated the songs you want to apply the album art to from the rest of your music collection, Click on any one of the songs and then go [bold]Edit[/bold]===>[bold]Select all[/bold]. Then right-click on your highlighted songs and click [bold]Get Info[/bold]. Then simply drag your desired artwork into the [bold]Artwork[/bold] box, and click OK. To make sure the Artwork displays on your iPod, go [bold]Edit[/bold]===>[bold]Preferences[/bold]===>[bold]iPod(tab)[/bold]===>[bold]Music(tab)[/bold], and make sure that the box that says [bold]Display Album Artwork On Your iPod[/bold] is checked. See, easy ;-)
Hi Lethal B, Do you know how to fix this particular album artwork problem? My Ipod (Video, 5G) is on manual update. So everytime I tweak with the album artwork, I do the 'select all' -> 'get info' -> 'artwork'. Artworks show with ITunes, but not in Ipod (even though "display album artwork on Ipod" checked). Do you know possibly what I've been doing wrong? For some albums on the Ipod the artwork turns up, for some it doesn't. Is there a limit to the size of the artwork? If it's too big it won't show up? I would appreciate your help. Thanks!
Hey jalapeno, Have you checked that each picture is 175 x 175 in size? or under? Because if it is any bigger it wont show up on your ipod
kruegar; the pictures don't have to be of any particlar size, as your iPod will automatically resize the image to fit the allocated space..
isit? cos every time i try put i picture bigger than that size pixels it wont show up on the ipod video
I think your problem is unique because I've set very large pictures [1024x1024] as my album art and they show up fine. They take up more space on my iPod [I think?] but I can view them fine.