I have a set of files in .mds and .mdf form that came as multi-.rars. When I go to burn the image, Alchol 120% tells me that the .mds is an unrecognized format, even though it is clearly in the list of accepted formats. If I manually choose the .mdf file to burn, I must manually enter in the Mode, Form, Block size, Header and Trailer, etc., when the 'playstation' setting usually takes care of all that. If I then manually enter in the correct Mode, Form, and Block size, leaving the Header and Trailers empty, I burn a coaster. Why won't it recognize the .mds? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm having the exact same problem trying to burn an MDF file. What settings did you use for the Track Format, Block Size, etc?
This should help a lot. Maybe the downloaded files are corrupt or you are using a wrong setting somewhere. What I used to do was mount the file on a virtual drive and then copy disk. http://support.alcohol-soft.com/documentation/alcohol-user-manual.pdf.
You can mount the .mdf file to a virtual drive and burn or extract it. .mds/.mdf is a like a .bin/.cue files *Edit...im reatrded I need to read other post's before posting mine -janrocks- sums it all up!....My fault -janrocks-