I'm trying to burn a .iso file with Alcohol 120. There's a box that comes up asking me for the following info: Track Format= Block Size= Image Header Size= Image Trailer Size= Plus two boxes to be checked: Data was scrambled already Data contains EDC/ECC info sections It is asking me to manually enter this info. How do I find this info from the file to enter it? Please help!
Enable iso file format? Options>General>Shell Extension>iso file format. Personally I recommend FireBurner for burning iso, bin& cue m8. FireBurner:http://www.fireburner.com/downloads.shtml Shoey
I did what you said and one file went through. The other file is still requesting the same manual info type in as I listed earlier. At the image Burning Window under Image File Information in Alcohol 120, it says file type unknown. When I click next, it brings me back to the window: IMage File Format Settings. What do I manually type here? Thanks!
Well you "might" have a corrupt file m8. Download FireBurner and give this great program a try. FireBurner:http://www.fireburner.com/downloads.shtml Shoey
I used FireBurner. It opened the file better than the other programs did. I burned the file which was supposed to be a game, but it came out as an audio file played in Win Media Player with static as the sound, unknow artist and labeled as track 1. Is this right or is it a bogus game file?