hey ive just d/l a game and i got a bunch of files (.bws, .bwa, .bwt, .bwi) how do i burn these onto a disc and will the disc work?
Those file extensions are created from "BlindWrite" Here's the download page: http://www.vso-software.fr/download.htm Good luck, Weycraze
thanx that really got me goin, sorry if this sounds stupid but how do i auctually burn all the files onto the disk. as it only allows i file per disc. am i doin it right??? PS wen i select the file it wont let me burn as the button is greyed out does that mean the files are corrupt or sumthin???
Could be because you're using a trial version, and are limited to image size(MB) possibly. You would direct the app to the location of the files and normally it will show the file it will want selected. It will take care of the combining of the others. If you have the .BWT, that means you more than likely have a securom protected image hence the topological file(.bwt), you will need to set up the app to burn the information as well. Weycraze