I bought the DVD and I want to make a backup copy. I have tried everything I can think of but what I get is a movie that plays, but the voice of the commentary is also playing at the same time the movie is playing. I used DVDShrink, DVDFab decrypter, and Clad dvd to rip the movie. I ripped "main Movie only" and I ripped the entire movie. Have tried all of that. Then I ran the DVD files through "FixVTS" and attempted to burn. I still get the same results. I have tried burning with Nero and Imageburn classic. I have already used 5 discs trying to back up this movie. I back up all the movies I buy and this is the first one that presented me with this problem. I know studios use different kinds of scrambling techniques, but does anyone know of a way I can get around this particular problem?Does anyone know if VOBBlanker maybe would address the problem?If anyone knows or can help please do. If it is a useless cause, let me know Please. Thank You in advance for any advise. Oh, I tried playing the individual VOB files in the VLC media player and they play normally using it.
Try downloading the 21 day free trial of AnyDVD and run that i the background, it will break any copy protection, it's available from slysoft site.
Hi emt3920 Not a useless cause Which movie is it? Did you try changing the audio w/ the remote? In Shrink remove all the AC3 2-ch audios and just leave AC3 5.1 audio. The commentary is usually found in AC3 2-ch's.
The movie is Nanny McPhee. I meant to say that in the original post. I will check the settings I have in Shrink. I thought I had it set to remove AC3 2ch. Will try this along with AnyDVD and post results as soon as I can. Thanks a lot for helping.
I had no problems w/ Nanny McPhee. I usually though remove all audio in Shrink except for AC3 5.1. Let us know how you make out!
Thanks for all the help. I removed theAC3 2ch and the movie came out great. I don't know what made this one different. I guess I was not removing AC3 2ch in other movies I backed up. That never happened before this movie. Thanks again for all the help.
You welcome emt3920! Here's a little trick in Shrink when the movie is playing in the preview screen right click on it. Then pick 'audio' - it will list all the options - pick one and you can tell if it has the commentary or not.