Everytime i burn a film or tv program onto my dvd+r discs they burn fine but wont play back on pc or dvd player? Im using nero, my DVD-R discs work perfectly? The brand im using is RiDisc 8x DVD+R, any suggestions??
What discs is your brother using? I take it you and your bro each has a burner? Got the brand names and model#s? If you got different burners,then you may need different formats,or different brand name. Does your burner play it's own backups? The burner should be able to play it's own backups. After that,stand alone compatability factors in. What backups work from 1 burner,may not work from a totally different burner. There's different ways to interpret coasters,and different solutions. How are they coasters? Failed during the lead-in?-no burn took place Failed during the actual burn? Failed at the end of the burn? Stand alone/s won't recognize them,but your program said successful burn? A nero log would help,and omit the serial # at the top of it. Starts out like: 1A23-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
The burn process completes successfully but none of the discs will play back on either pc or dvd player? My brother uses the same PC and burner but uses DVD-R discs and they work perfectly?
Plus (+) and dash (-) are 2 totally different formats.It's all about compatability between those formats,the burners,and the drives you play your backups on. Same exact pc-with the same burner? You sharing the same pc? Or a different pc-with exact same model# and same model# of dvd-rw drive? Dash is more compatable than plus,when it comes to compatability. Now if you have a booktyping capable burner,the booktype plus format-to dvd-rom,would be an even higher compatability rate. Not all burners support booktyping. That brand name and model# would help to see if you had that option. Booktyping gives you 3 formats to find the right format that suits your burner and stand alone players.