My specs: AMD 64 3000+ Venice 1 gig Corsair VS ram MSI 6800 vanilla 128mb Not OC'ed 80gb SATA150 drive My score: 3589 With latest drivers from MSI. Is that score fine or is it too low?
I've a 6800LE rivatuned to 16 pixel pipelines, my best score on 3D Mark05 is about 4000, not 5500 as I previously stated, sorry! So it sounds like your score is pretty low! Sorry. Pulsar
Thats about right for the set up you have, you could maybe squeeze some more out of it by using a different driver and a little bit of an o.c I got 3930 with a well o.c'd 6600GT so you should get around the 4k mark with ease
Just got a score of 8119. Is that good? I've OC'd the card to 488mhz (core) and 1.31ghz (memory) still using air cooling at present. PC: Amd Athlon 64 3700+ 1024mb RAM 7800GTX 256mb
Seems to be in the middle, some get lower 7k ish while some get higher 9k ish but thats a good score so no worries