AMD Athlon XP 3000+ or Inter Pentium 2.8GHZ with HT technology ? which is better

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by moh, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. moh

    moh Guest

    AMD Athlon XP 3000+ or Inter Pentium 2.8GHZ with HT technology ? which is better
  2. moh

    moh Guest

    which is better for playing games i mean like Doom 3 , Half Life 2 , Halo PC ect...
  3. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    I personally have always preferred Intel and have used similar spec systems with either processor. this is a preference and based on my opinions. I suppose both are very good, but it really depends on a number of other factors, like RAM and Hard Disk speed, and most importantly the graphics card used. Stick a Radeon 9800 Pro with 128MB DDRAM in it and your flying :)
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1. ATi is no longer the speed champ :p (although this comment is likely to start a little hardware war, hehe, bring it :p)
    2. After a certain point, (i.e., $300), damn near every video card/system-config is decent enough. Like seriously, when they alpha'd Doom3 last year they were running on DX8 cards and it was still sweet. Granted it was without all the fancy DX9 special effected but the important thing is - it is playable.
    3. If you have the budget for it, consider upping to either a XP3200 (which uses the 400Mhz bus).
    4. If i am not mistaken, the P42.8 you speak of is a Northwood-B (which features an outdated and ultimately abandoned 533 bus - of course i could be wrong). Consider upgrading to a Springdale-Canterwood. The performance jolt is quite noticeable.
    5. Yay Doom3... booo HL2 (again, another troublestarter hehe)
  5. moh

    moh Guest

    its the new 2.8 im talkin about , but thnx anyway
  6. moh

    moh Guest

    Just to tell u is the Pentium 4 2.8GHz 800mhz FSB with hyper threading
  7. Bluekkis

    Bluekkis Active member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    This is pretty much a same question I've had in my mind for some time now, as I'm planning to upgrade my comp. Conclusion for me was to wait for Athlon64 to come out @ end of september, it will not only show how AMD can compete Intel in future, but also will propably lower AthlonXP prices. Same with Prescot for intel, but last I heard it will be out next year.
    So, my advice would be to wait for sometime, if you don't have any urgent need to upgrade. If you want a new system NOW, I would suggest to think on what purpose do you need it. Those are both good, and although HT processors are better in multitasking than without, they are not as good at it as dual processor sytem, and there is only a few, mostly high-end, softwares that actually supposrt multi/hyper threadning. Sometimes, especially with no support, HT can actually slow down it's performance. So if your constantly running multiple applications, HT might be a good solution, if not... I would say AthlonXP is better. True that altest Intel is faster than latest AMD, but who really will se difference with few %, in the end it is the performance/cost factor that will decide. Go to see some review in net if you want help with you decision.

    hope that helps =)

    EDIT: typos her nad there... 01:11 isn't best time to write a good reply ^_^
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2003
  8. jznelly

    jznelly Guest

    i'm a fan of the intel too...i've tried both and intel seems to work better.
  9. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Would you care to elaborate? Doesnt seem to make sense that the CPU/MOBO would affect system stability or something.

    I've done both Intel and AMD systems (as an active occupation and hobby) and Intel does have the performance lead however for the cost of the system, AMD still wins performance/dollar. Unless you have a huge-budget or something, the average user will benifit much more from an AMD system (since you will have plenty of money left over to spend on other parts)

    I used to be an Intel fan... then they released the P4 and it costed a goddamn fortune for the performance... and i switched ot AMD and found out i could afford stuff again hehe (not to mention i've had better luck OCing AMD systems rather than Intel systems).
  10. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Wait for Athlon 64. No point to upgrade now.
  11. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Errrr... A64 is here.
  12. Bluekkis

    Bluekkis Active member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    No. Athlon64 is to be out @ september 23rd, you might be confused between Athlon64, Opteron or AMD64 brands.

    True, I've seen some resellers already selling Athlon64 comps, but you wont get those systems before it's official launch day (23rd)... or was it 22nd... can't remember but it dosen't matter =)
  13. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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  14. JimmyX

    JimmyX Member

    May 16, 2003
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    I asked that same question to a friend of mine (an engineer/project manager for AMD). Without consideration he replied Intel.

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