anime to any media as movie for dvd players

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by tillo005, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. tillo005

    tillo005 Guest

    ok, so after looking around, i haven't been able to find the answer to my question, so if it's a repeat, sorry, please direct me to it. here's my problem:

    i have some anime videos, 27 to be precise, they are from the series called Chobits, and i want to make them into one dvd movie, but when i add them, it tells me they they are too big, so i can't do it, it says that i may compress manually but it doesn't say how. i just want to take all 27 chapters and make a full dvd, how do i make them small enough to fit into a single dvd? i already have a dvd which has 32 chapters, so i know it's possible, but i can't doit, i also have four movies, the series of Inuyasha, i can only fit one into a disc, but not four, or at least two. i just want to make them fit, and keep them as separate chapters so i can jump from movie to movie, or from episode to episode in the case of chobits.
    again sorry if i repeated somethig you already answered, and thanks for the help!!!!
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    How many minutes long are the animes? If they are any length at all getting all of them on a single DVD is going to be difficult without destroying the video quality. There is also a limit to how much video compression can even be accomplished. The number of chapters isn't a concern, it's the length and thus the size of the files.

    What program are you using?
  3. tillo005

    tillo005 Guest

    each chapter is about 20 minutes long, and they are 27 chapters, i have been trying with nero and it's features, but i don't care if i only put half of them into one, i still don't want to have to use 27 discs just for one of the anime series. thanks for helping, i'll wait for a response.
  4. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

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    I don't know what quality the video is before conversion but you might try to get 9 clips per DVD5 (regular single layer DVD). That'd be 3 hours plus of video probably per disk. You'll have to try one and see if it's acceptable quality or not.

    What video format are the animes in? NeroVision isn't always the best program to use.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2006
  5. tillo005

    tillo005 Guest

    all they say is video clip, so i take it they are .avi, but i am not sure, i check propertys and it just says that, video clip.
  6. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Here's a list of the most widely used avi conversion programs.

    VSO's ConvertXtoDVD:
    DVD Copy 4 Platinum:
    TMPGEnc Express 3:
    DVD Santa:
    The Film Machine:

    ConvertX and DVD Santa watermark the output of their trial versions.

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