Before I ask my question, I would like to say I really like this site everyone is a big help and very knowledgable. At the beginnig of this year when I wanted to upgrade my burner I came here for direction and ended up buying a BenQ dw1650 and a liteon 167d rom and upgraded my dvd's to nothing but Taiyo Yuden. I love the benq burner and suggested it to a friend when I went to buy one for her(and a back up for me) I could not find them so I came here for answers. After reading some forums and how hard they are to find I read they sold them at CompUSA I went to the store. Didn't have any and then I remembered something about a rebadge. None of the boxes for the Comp USA brand were taped shut so I opened one up and it was a Benq dw 1650, I bought three. If your still with me, my question(s) is this, is the compusa 1650 the same as the orginal that I bought? Do I have to change the firmware so they work the same? I'm not sure what firmware is, just something that I read here. I've never messed with the firmware for the burner I have now or updated it. Thanks for reading.
It's the same it might either have Oem or retail firmware.Post the firmware it has now and someone can tell you the one you have.
How would I find that out is it on the driver or do I have to hook it up to find out? I got one disc with it that says Nero express OEM sueite.
There is only one version of firmware for the BenQ 1650. This is the latest..