Okay , I modded my friends xbox a while back. When we got to the point where we have to choose Evox or UnleashX ... we chose UnleashX. Well at that point in time , I didnt even know how to FTP yet. So , I didnt change anything. Well , the next morning , we woke up and we were going to try and figure out how to play some mods. Then , the next thing I know , when we turned on the xbox , it did the little blob boot-up screen and then got to the screen where it has the big green "X" and says "microsoft" in white at the bottom. Well ... it never moves from there. Im completely stumped. The only thing I can think of is somehow , I deleted the dash.I was going to put MechAssualt in and see if the linux file was still there so I could try to re-mod it , but , I dunno , I really dont know.
if the linux file isnt there anymore then you could always try hotswap. you can find all the retail msdash files floating around somewhere.
Well , I cant hotswap (I dont think , I have a laptop) and could I use the disc everyone wants me to get , like slayer 2.6 , or something like AID 3.0?
did you try and load up with mechassault in just to see if you can still run linux? if that doesnt work i guess you could try those other two things. i think one of them may only be for hardmods though, but im not sure. but first check to see if the save game file is there because if you only deleted the dash then it should be.
you must have somehow formatted your c partition. did you try to boot up with a game in and update the dash from xbox live? that has supposedly worked for some people. if that doesnt work then the only other way i know how is by hotswap. just use a friends computer or something. thats all i can tell you to do.
okay , well , with the linux file that I used (2.0!) , I get error 21 when I try to update my dash through XBL. But , thanks for the help anywayz!
well i tried. the only other way to save your xbox is to get a modchip if you dont want to do the hotswap. hopefully youll get everything to work sometime.
it should work if the softmod is still installed, but if the hdd is formatted then it probably wont. you can give it a go though.