any dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by meame, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. meame

    meame Member

    May 30, 2006
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    I just recently purchased any dvd and they sent the key which I did as they said and sent it to my desktop. My question is when I tried to put the key on a dvd it told me that threads might be lost in the movement of the file, could any one tell me what this means. Would it work better to put it on a floppy. How can I tell what the key is, is it a number or is it something else. If it is a number I can just write it down. I am really not that good at this and do not want to do something that might mess up the key .....Thanks, Meame
  2. Mr_Pink

    Mr_Pink Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Yeah don't put it on a dvd. In fact, don't put it on a CD. The damn file is like less than a 1 MB. Put it on a floppy disk.

    The key itself is not a series of numbers or anything like that. It's just a regular file that exists so that when you download the AnyDVD program, it reads the key that's stored on the computer and it'll disable the trial warning/periods.
  3. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    If you must write #'s down, write down your serial #. You can find this along with your name on the information page in the settings of AnyDvd. This is the information that Slysoft requires for correspondence. Do NOT delete your email with the purchase information and key. Your reference # is there.

    Mr_Pink, Your key IS actually an "extremely" long string of letters and numbers. You have to know how to get into the registry to find it. Something left to computer geeks, which I am not. However, my son is, somewhat. I have seen the key sequence.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  4. freedom2

    freedom2 Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    what you need to do is "SAVE" the e-mail's you got from them to
    "my documents" and also save the e-mail's to a floppy(my new
    computer has no floppy) or a cd, for safe keeping in the future
    and put it up...

    the key once installed works auto after the first download..

    good day...................

  5. Mr_Pink

    Mr_Pink Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I stand corrected.

    Regardless, it is just a file that can easily be stored on a floppy. If your computer didn't come with a floppy drive (like mine), just get an external one for like 10 bucks. It's true that I never use it, but if I gotta put small files on it and transfer it somewhere with a floppy drive (think public computers), i'm golden.

    Saving the email off line is good too--but don't save it online. If anyone accesses your email, they can get it (along with a boat load of other info).

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