I'm sure this has been asked many, many times but I couldn't find anything. I borrowed "the lord of the rings- battle for middle earth no.2" from a friend and tried copying it . It is pc game and it is DL DVD. Any programs or ideas I can use to crack this?
Your first mistake is saying I borrowed "the lord of the rings- battle for middle earth no.2" from a friend' It is against forum rules to talk about Pirated stuff. Which this should fall under. Your second mistake is you asked this in the wrong forum. It should have been asked in the gaming section which is below. http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/168 Now dont make a third mistake by multi-posting in that forum. LOL Iv reported this thread to the mods so they can descide wether to close it or teleport it to the correct forum.
And since ddp moved it here i in turn feel obliged to point out this set of rules : http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/262065
Nice catch The Fiend I never go to this section myself so I didnt read that pinned topic. I however did read through the topics and figured that was the best that suited what they wanted. Guess it will be moved again if need be.
@ kretian This is a tech support forum NOT a piracy group, No one here is going to help you pirate material. @ Larryje Nice sig of Melina. She cant wrestle a lick but she sure is HOT!