are there any damn programs that convert to dvd without those stupid watermark when your watching the movie like "Divxtodvd buy it for 29.99" or some crap.
i had the same problem when i downloaded divxtodvd,when i popped in the dvd to watch on my standalone,the top of the screen said"divxtodvd free trial",it was annoying to say the least.simply put you have to download the free version of divxtodvd not the trial version.hence no watermarks
i dled the free version..but for some reason it wont work converts in like 1 second which obviously didnt work
Try this it's pretty user friendly, great quality, gives you a choice of which of the best freeware encoders you want to use, and it's free.
Hi there, All I can say is, if no one pays for the software, company will go bankcrupt and there will be no new versions with new features. I bought my copy of DivxToDVD, and it was payed for after converting 1 or 2 movies, since movies here costs about $24.99canadian + 15% Taxes. My 2 cents...