is there any good programs that u can dowload to convert mpeg movies to a dvd form i would like to see som programs plz
I personally find downloading AVI format and converting with Nero Express 2 to be the easiest way to get your movie onto a DVD disc. Outside of which is great for tips and advice I'd check out these two sites for help. Explains how to fit a movie onto a CD. Worth reading. The TMPGEnc program at this link comes with a 30Day free trial for converting movies to DVD format. After that you're only able to convert the movies to fit and play on a CD (a.k.a. VCD) Step by Step on how to covert a movie to fit a CD/DVD. In relation to above link.
Yes I Agree ConvertXtoDVD is a great program... That's what I use and well worth the very very small investment... You can read more about it and even get a [bold]Free Trial[/bold] here: Give it a Try... Very User Friendly Program and a great support forum at ""... [bold]Good Luck and Happy Ripping[/bold]