does anybody know how to burn flight 93? im haveing a hard time with it i tryed to use DVDFab Decrypter the new one and DVD43 and AnyDVD DVD Region+CSS Free " and i am trying to rip it to my hard drive.. nothing seems to work at all.. this is the frist moive im haveng a hard time doing.. then im trying to burn it with DVD Shrink 3.2 ............. dvd shrink encountered an error and cannot cuntinue failed to read file "D:/" data error cyclie redundancy check yea there is a blem on " a water mark" the dvd.. but i got aroud the before but this time i cant any clue what I can use? other then what i tryed to use? thanks for all of your Help ken
It is not a protection error, it is a bad disk. If cleaning it won't correct the problem, you need to take it back and get another. See this thread
Arniebear is right. The time to do a backup is before the disc is damaged. That's what backups are for. The same material was covered in the thread Arnie supplied the link for.
The selection of art and movies varies with the individual. Most of us like something others may not. I just leave calls on the artistic value of movies to the critics (who I sometimes disagree with, lol).
I seen the movie and it was not a very good video, but to each his own The movie one that is coming out may be a better video then the other one.