I have been using AnyDVD and CloneDVD for 3-4 years now buring mostly DVD DL -R material. Everything has been perfect. By mistake, really didn't think it would be a problem I bought some DVD DL +R material and I'm having issues getting it to play properly in my DVD player. During the reply on the DVD DL +R material I get pixalization, pauses, ect during the reply. I went back and burned the same with DVD DL -R and no problems. So, both play, just that the +R gets the jitters, pauses, ect. Is there any setting I can work with or is this just an issue with +R versus -R. Thanks...
Check to see that your stand alone player will accept the +R discs. Another option would be to rip the original DVD with DVD Decrypter in ISO read mode and burn in ISO write mode, selecting the MDS file to burn from.
Thanks for the reply. Yes the stand alone DVD Player will read and play both -R and +R. In fact the +R that I'm having trouble with plays, but it gets pixalization, ect... I saw on the latest update to CloneDVD that they fixed a Sony model that had trouble writing +R. Do you think I could have a similiar issue, just hasn't been addressed by them yet?
Anything is possible, we are talking about computers here...LOL Give my method a shot and see if there is any difference. What is the model number of your burner, you may be able to booktype your +R media to DVD-ROM.
booktypeing the +R media to DVD-ROM would be the way to go, like LOCOENG suggested! here is a link on how to do it, if your drive can: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php
Booktyping +R media is definitely a good idea, but just out of curiousity, what brand of media are you using? For DL media, I stick strictly to Verbatim, have only used DVD+R DL Verbatims, and have never had a problem. I realize burner and stand alone player will also have an effect, but for DL, I think most will agree that Verbatim is the only way to go.