Hi all, Really dumb question I know but............ I have tried to burn my first DVD today. I am using AnyDVD & CloneDVD2, on the 21 free day trial thing. I have followed the CloneDVD guide here on Afterdawn, and everything goes OK until I put a blank disc in to burn the saved movie and click next. I then keep getting this message: "Writing to media was not sucessful." "Source data too large." "This writer is not capable of writing the source data as requested" "To write these DVD files, please use the "Copy DVD titles" or "Clone DVD" option from the start screen. Don't know why I am getting this message. I chose "Clone DVD" at the start menu and followed the guide to the letter. I am using Philips DVD+R 4.7gb discs and my computer has a DVDRW drive. I've been trying all afternoon so if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it! Thanks very much ;-)
ok....... your burner my not recognize the Philip DVD+R! That's a low quality disk. Try using better media: Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Maxell, Sony..... keep in mind the better media are made in Japan. Read the labels before you buy or buy these brands online from Supermediastore.com, Rima.com , Meritline.com and other online stores. Another thing is to update your firmware of your writer. By doing this it will make the drive aware of more disks and burning speeds and maybe you won't get that error message! Here is the firmware page: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_search.php just search your drive and find out what's the latest firmware your drive should have. CloneDVD2 will list your drive and show what firmware you have...... check it out: good luck.
Thanks very much IHoe & Pazzini for the quick replies! I will buy some better quality discs tomorrow and give that a try first. My PC is only a few weeks old so I am presuming it will have the latest firmware but I'll look in to that if the new discs don't work. I wanna go and buy some now to try it out but it's 12.09 am here in Oz and there's nothing open! Will let you know how I get on and I apprciate your assistance...... Cheers ;-) Burleigh
@burleigh Just because it is a new computer doesn't mean that the firmware is up to date. I bought a new NEC3520A burner last year from NewEgg and it was 2 versions behind on the firmware.
Good morning all. Well, it was still too early to go and buy any new discs so I thought I'd try some of the other advice. You were quite right that my settings were wrong - I had it set to DVDR+DL - I wondered why it was stating that the quality was going to be 100%! In my defence, the AnyDVD guide on Afterdawn never mentioned having to change this box - and I think the default must have been the DVDR+DL. To give you some background, I am very good at following instructions, but am not at all computer or mechanically minded. True story - I was once very pleased with myself for changing my car's battery, but couldn't work out why it wouldn't start. I followed the instructions to the letter, and ended up having to call out Roadside Assist. I asked the guy if I had maybe connected the leads to the wrong terminal, but he said no - you've done well there. He said the only thing I hadn't done was take off the protective plastic caps from the terminals before connecting the leads! The worst thing was they were bright blue and red caps that stood out lioke a sore thumb - and I had just put the leads right on top of them! Durrrrrr!!! I could hear him on his radio telling all his mates as he drove off. But the instructions DIDN"T tell me to take them off!!!! Maybe I should do some User Acceptance Testing for the guides - as if anyone is going to find any holes it will definetly be me!! Anyway, I have sucessfully now burn my first DVD (and it only took 40 minutes in total!)thanks to you all. I never even heard of Afterdawn until yesterday when a friend told me about it as I was having problems. Just wanted to say I was a bit blown away but the quick responses and helpful advice - and wanted to say thanks to you all!! OK, I am rambling a bit now - I think I am excited by the whole new burning world that has just opened up to me ;-) I'll know where to come if I have any more questions! Cheers Burleigh