The trial version of AnyDVD worked OK but when I purchased it and installed the downloaded "Key" (it showed registered) it doesn't work anymore. It appears Slysoft support has run out of options on how to fix it. I need help.
fhoz First uninstall your copy completely. Even make sure that there is nothing left in the registry. You may want to download and install a regcleaner. You can find one here: After doing that, download another copy then use the key that you purchased from SlySoft. Eric
Hi Eric, I tried your suggestion and also deleted slysoft from the registry but it did not solve my problem. Problem being with AnyDVD:I select "RipVideo-DVD to Harddisk"; In AnyDVD Ripper window I select "D" as source and "C" as destination (same as with trial version) and click on "Copy DVD". A note pops up "File D:\\Video_TS.IFO does not exist" (did not happen in trial version) and I can not proceed any further. Thanks Fred
when you select the source make sure it says D:\VIDEO_TS Maybe it for some reason needs to be in the actual dir with the files... Mine works fine if I say source is E: (which is just my drive letter) but who knows maybe it's looking for the video_TS Dir on your system... It's worth a shot
Why don't you just use DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, or DVDFab Decrypter to rip? If AnyDVD is actually working, either DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter should be able to rip even the nastiest protected titles. Have you tried going back to an earlier version of AnyDVD to see if that gives the same error when you try to use the AnyDVD ripper? Have you been trying to rip the same title or have you tried different titles getting the same error each time?
think the problem is operator/computer............. have had AnyDvd for i guess about a year.............. has let me down, 1 time probably was my error.......... like (elizerroj) said best $29.00 i have ever spent since started backing up my movies.................. there are so many people on these forums, that don't ever state their CPU specs or age ect........... those old computers for the most part just about can't do it anymore........................... i don't see why so many people have problems with AnyDVD??? set it up once, download the updates......................
Thanks a lot Tmfloria. That was the solution to my problem. Source D worked just fine in the trial version BUT not in the purchased version. I had to type in \VIDEO_TS (now it is in there all the time)and then it worked just fine. A note to laddyboy: DVD Decrypter works great BUT I had a movie DVD where DVD Decrypter and a few other Decrypters did not work. In that case,the only one that I had that was successful was AnyDVD (trial version). I'm glad it finally is working. My thanks to everyone for their suggestions/inputs and help
Try uninstalling AnyDVD again. Reboot & Run CrapCleaner (free download - choose Issues, then run n& Fix all, yes to backup). Then reinstall only the AnyDVD Key. Reboot, download AnyDVD again and install. Reboot and it should work.
@fhoz I was more interested in whether AnyDVD itself was working rather than the particular ripper. My AnyDVD ripper, latest version, works with just specifying the drive letter. I'm not sure why yours apparently doesn't. Anyhoo glad you and tmfloria got your problem solved.
laddyboy; Me too. That's why this was so confusing. With the trial version, just specifying the Drive ltr worked but with the paid version it did not. I'll ask Slysoft why.
I don't even see where I have an option to put in source or destination in the trial version of AnyDVD. What's it suppose to show me ???
If you right click on the Slysoft Fox Icon down by your clock you will see and option Rip Video-Dvd to Hard Disk.. When you click on that option you'll be in the AnyDVD Ripper
Thanks for the reply. I found that right after I posted. But now I copied to a folder, what program do I use to copy to a disc ?? Thanks again.
First must resize to fit on blank DVD with Nero Recode or DVD Shrink. Yhen can burn file with Nero or image with DVD Decryptor or ImgBurn depending upon which format is chosen for the resized movie. Read the guiders for a step by step.
i was having trouble getting around some protected titles then when i bought anydvd, every dvd copied fine and its still working fine for me. i couldn't begin to think why it went wrong