Bought the new Plextor PX-755SA yesterday and tried a few backups last night. I usually use AnyDVD together with CloneDVD2 or Shrink. Problem I'm having is that when I put the disk in the Plextor drive both Clone and Shrink say that it's CSS protected and will not back it up. When I put the same disk into the other drive (BenQ), both programs will accept it. WTF?????
if so, un-install & re-install all dvd apps.also run a program like to clean up any dead directions.
New drive is on the same computer but the computer is also brand new. All programs were just installed in the last week or so. Since my 1st post I tried to back up the same disc with the BenQ drive and although it didn't give me a CSS error, when I inserted the blank to start my burn it gave me an "invalid media type" error. I only use Verbatim DVD+R DL. I don't know if this is somehow related to the encryption or not. I was able to workaround using decrypter and then re-encoding it, but it's a big PIA. I prefer to just run CloneDVD2 and let it fly.
are the drives set correctly. drive-0=master and drive-1=slave? check the back of your drive and see if the jumper is set to CS,SL, or MA.
first off, SHRINK does'nt remove css may be getting this error msg. because ANY-DVD is'nt recognising your dvd. look in your computers tray located @ the bottom right hand side of your screen, look for the AnyDVD(fox) icon. after you insert your dvd,place your cursor over the ANY-DVD icon in the tray(after the dvd loads on the drive). the pop up should read something like... AnyDVD On: 1, Off: 0, Empty: 1 if it does'nt read "On: 1," then your drive is'nt recognizing your movie. this may be due to old firmware on your drive(i know the drive itself is new but that really does'nt matter). try an update and post back.this link may help.
I know shrink dosn't remove the CSS. I was just illustrating the point that it seems to be AnyDVD that is causing the problem, not any of the burning software I'm using. AnyDVD loads just fine recognizes the drive and loads the CSS keys into the archive, but the burning software is still seeing the CSS. I just updated the firmware on both drives and it's still doint the same thing.
try "elable logging" on any-dvd,and post it(your log..ha, ha..) in "one-click transcoding tools" ps try un-checking "enable css key archiving" first.
When you click the any dvd icon on your task bar go to drives and see what drives it's recognizing it'll have a green checkmark showing the the ones enabled. also if your any dvd isn't showing update it.Chris
@narcismo Checking or un-checking CSS archive doesn't make a difference. When safe mode is checked it works, when un-checked it doesn't. So yes, technically it is working but only in safe mode. I guess I'm just interested to know why and if that affects me in any way. Like is AnyDVD less effective when running in safe mode?
Right click your mouse on the 'safe mode' words on the 'Settings' page in AnyDVD. It will give you some (but not a lot) info on the AnyDVD 'safe mode'. Did you install any new software that came with the new drive? Maybe it is interfering with AnyDVD or vice versa.
Only thing I installed after the drive was PlexTools, but I've since unistalled it and run a reg cleaner. Same problem still. I've read some more on this and seen some people mention RAID and SATA drives as a problem with AnyDVD. Any of you guys know about this? Both my HDD and Plextor drive are SATA.
All my hard drives are sata but my plextors are USB.I'd contact SlySoft and see if the Plextor being SATA is giving you the problem. None of my burners are SATA so it's something I'd like to know for further reference. Chris
I agree. sounds like a minor compatability issue. slysoft's tec support is SOLID. or as i mentioned earlier post ur any-dvd log on the 'one-click transcoders'(great for clone/any-d users) forum, they can help too. let me know what you come up with.