i have AnyDvd running in background and use dvdfab decrypter (latest one) to copy movie "the fog" to harddisk. the copy went ok and then i used dvd decrypter to burn in iso mode. the copy has problems in 3 places where the movies seems to pause for 1 second then resumes play. don't know why this happened when Anydvd reported that it from Sony protction and removed it and puppetlock and removed it. also should i rip the movie using dvdfab or rip with anydvd? any advice ???
Try to burn the movie at a lower speed. If you burn at a high speed you will get skiping like that. At what speed do you usually burn yours dvds at? Btw:wich media are you using?
Its probably the media you are using. Back it up again and see how it goes. Use good media as verbs and tayio yudens. Were you multitasking when u did that movie? If you were , dont.