After backing up "ENOUGH" three times with AnyDVD and CloneDVD, viewing the backup failed at the same place in the movie, on every backup. Using the same speed on my Plextor 716A, and the same TDK disks, DVDFab Platinum copied it fine with no viewing problems, on the first try. Does anyone have an idea why? AnyDVD usually works just fine.
My experience has been that DVD Fab Platinum reads data better than many other programs. Before I had a hard time burning downloaded Video_ts folders with Shrink, Nero etc.. Then with DVD Fab Platinum, the problem is gone.
TDK media is not the best and many consider it crappy...... but if you're having good results, so be it. What version of AnyDVD are you using? Mine is up to date and I have yet to have problems with it or CloneDVD2! I also have DVDFab Platinum but I prefer AnyDVD & CloneDVD2. Just my preferances and it's yet to fail me after many, many burns. I usually use DVDRebuilder Pro with CCE/ProCoder2..... but I've been using AnyDVD more often now. It does soooooooo much. I just get such great results with it. Sorry I can't give much info on why this is happening to you...... just never had an instance like yours........ works every time for me.
I have two Plex 716a burners, and although Plex recommends TDK and even includes them in their package when you buy the drive, I found the burner has issues with this media. I did not get good playback using TDK. Verbatim 16x is a better choice, make sure you have the latest fw for the burner which is 1.09. I have never had any problems burning with Clone. Also, try the burns at 8x makes for less problems.
I have the latest firmware and latest versions of the software. I'm somewhat suprised that TDK is not a premium disk, but I bought two packages of Verbatim (100 disks)based on Arniebear's recommendation. Am anxious to try the new media.
Enough movie came out in 2002..even crappy dvdxcopy platinum did that movie with out a problem..on crappy memorex media back then.. Working class waitress Slim finds her life transformed when she marries wealthy contractor Mitch. She settles into an idyllic suburban life and seems to have everything she wants: loving husband, beautiful home, and Gracie, an adorable 5-year-old daughter. Her dream is shattered when she discovers her husband is anything but perfect. His abusive behavior forces her to go on the run, eluding an increasingly... See Full Description Genres: Drama, Thriller and Crime/Gangster Running Time: 1 hr. 55 min. Release Date: May 24, 2002 Nationwide MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense scenes of domestic violence, some sensuality and language. Distributors: Sony Pictures Releasing
Since all three copies failed in the same area of the disk, there is apparently a defect there; although I don't see one with the naked eye. I wonder if my results indicate that DVDFab is more tolerant of disk defects than AnyDVD and CloneDVD. Also, I will look into DVDRebuilder Pro, as I am not familiar with it. Afternote: The manager at Hollywood video said they use light sand paper or rubbing compound on a sponge and it has restored many movies with deep scratches and abuse. Has anyone tried this?
I would definately NOT use sand paper but I have heard of using Brasso clean (which is a brass cleaner and abrasive) so rubbing compond would be another abrassive on my list to try [bold]as a last resort[/bold]
do not use Brasso or rubbing will be sorry.. as they will make the disks cloudy........ i get good results with a very clean soft buffing wheel spinning at low rpm..and just using a small amount water...
Quote; "there is apparently a defect there; although I don't see one with the naked eye." Seens as the "pits" in a dvd are nanometres across, the above is hardly surprising! Coarse carborundum paste would work.... NOT!!
Toothpaste is actually a good, mild abrasive cleaner. That would be one to start with. Rub it on a coaster to see the physical effects. If not satisfied, I will buy a chainsaw at Home Depot.
It might not get rid of the scrathces, but it sure helps release some frustrations....and it's benefits are not limited to backing up DVD's.
and if not for the chain saw... there's a small bomb that I can use... it's called [bold]LITTLE BOY[/bold] and it will do just fine and releaves frustration, too! ;-)
If the industrial angle grinder doesn't get it, oxy-acetylene sorts the men from the boys. @ IHoe, I think going the thermo-nuclear way could be construed as a tad overboard.