Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bryanwake, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. bryanwake

    bryanwake Guest

    With all the legal problems DVD Decrypter had, do you think there will be legal action taken against AnyDVD?
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2006
  3. bryanwake

    bryanwake Guest

    Does that mean you're untouchable and that AnyDVD won't be taken away from us like DVD Decrytper was?
  4. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    No one "took DVD Decrypter away" from you or anyone else. It is still availible and highly useful and used. It isn't updated, but is still here.
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    JUSYT INFO........................


    DVD Decrypter to be removed

    24 November 2005 7:48 by dRD
    [picture]Macrovision Corporation recently acquired the intellectual property rights in all versions of DVD Decrypter from its author, Lightning UK!. As the current owner of the intellectual property rights in DVD Decrypter Macrovision has contacted us to inform that "any license granted by Lightning UK! to AfterDawn for the distribution of any version of the Software [DVD Decrypter] is hereby terminated with immediate effect."

    Even though the means used to acquire the rights to DVD Decrypter bore probably more resemblance to the common methods of the entertainment industry, we have no reason to object the request made by Macrovision. They do, in any case, own the rights to the software, and are entitled to enforce any policy they see fit.

    The DVD Decrypter install package will be removed from our servers by Sunday, November 27th, or as soon as it is technically possible.

    After it's development was ceased in June DVD Decrypter has been surpassed by several other software, such as AnyDVD and DVDFab Decrypter. One of the best features in DVD Decrypter was it's image burning engine, which allowed the burned disc to be verified against the image file. Luckily that feature is now available in Lightning UK!'s new software, ImgBurn.

    DVD Decrypter -- gone forever
    6 June 2005 5:04 by dRD

    Not really a good way to start a new week -- this just came in via our news submit (thanks Shoey):

    Hello world,

    I've got some good news and some bad news. Let's start with the good.... (tumble weed passes by)Ok, and now onto the bad: DVD Decrypter is the last version you'll ever see.We hoped this day would never come, but it has, and I can promise you, nobody is more gutted about it than I am.

    What started as a bit of fun, putting a GUI around some existing code, turned into something that I can only describe as "part of me" – yes, I know that's sad ;-) As I've recently been made aware (by a letter, hand delivered to my door, last Tuesday), due to some law that was changed back in October 2003, circumventing copy protection isn't allowed.

    Ok so it has taken a while (almost 2 years), but eventually "a certain company" has decided they don't like what I'm doing (circumventing their protection) and have come at me like a pack of wolves. I've no choice but to cease everything to do with DVD Decrypter. I realise this is going to be one of those "that sucks - fight them!" kinda things, but at the end of the day, it's my life and I'm not about to throw it all away (before it has even really started) attempting to fight a battle I can't possibly win.

    If 321 Studios can't do it with millions, what chance do I have with £50?! As I'm sure most of you have already noticed, the site has been down for a few days. That surprised me as much as the next person (slight breakdown in communication), or I would have issued this statement on it directly.

    So anyway, from this point forward, I'm no longer permitted to provide any sort of assistance with anything that helps people infringe the rights of "a certain company". That means, no more emails, no more forum posts, no PMs, no nothing! END OF STORY. The domain name will be transferred over to the company by the end of the week (9th June, according to the undertakings I have to sign) so don't email it thinking "Oh, I'll just ask LIGHTNING UK! for support on this". You'll not be getting the intended recipient and could be landing yourself in sh1t!

    With being the last version, it makes sense for everyone to disable the "check for new versions" feature, as obviously there won't be any. Of course what I really mean is that you should all stop using the program out of respect for the company's rights.

    Anyone hosting DVD Decrypter is advised to cease doing so immediately. I've the feeling they won't stop with just me. I'm having to contact anyone I know of that is (at the very least, the "mirror" sites), and tell them to stop. Copies of those emails must also be sent to the solicitors so they can check I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. If I don't, I die.

    It is of course down to the owners of those sites to react how they want to. It's not my job to force you to do anything you don't want to, I'm just giving you some friendly advice. Maybe it's just me, but I see this as a bit of an "end of an era". I realise there are other tools, but there's no telling how much longer they'll last, and not only that, mine was the oldest! I've met loads of great people over the years and I want to take this opportunity to wish them every success for the future - yes DDBT peeps, that includes you lot! I hope you've all enjoyed my contribution to the DVD scene and maybe I'll see ya around sometime.

    (Author of the once "Ultimate DVD Ripper", DVD Decrypter)

    Quite shocking news in deed, but not exactly unexpected, as the UK implemented their version of EUCD legislation back in 2003 and it clearly states that distribution, etc of tools that allow circumventing copy protection mechanisms is illegal. Similar fate is very likely to happen to all other DVD rippers developed by European companies (the similar legislation has been in place in the U.S. for years now).

    As Finland, where AfterDawn Ltd is located, hasn't implemented EUCD to its national legislation yet, we continue to host DVD Decrypter's last version, as well as several other DVD ripping tools on our site.

    I'd wish to express my sympathy to the author of DVD Decrypter, situations like this can be quite devastating. All the best!

    Here's the link to the latest/last version of DVD Decrypter which is still available here at

    DVD Decrypter v3.5.4.0

    Source: CD Freaks
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2006

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