Hi All, I have ANY DVD to circumvent Sony's ARccOS copyright protection(Soon to be on all new DVD's) you know the dvd has "Bad Sectors" blah blah..lol (with DVD shrink, Nero, DVD decrypter & ANY DVD it's a snap to make my legal backup copy Anyway I had the first version of DVD shrink mobile It worked fine. When the latest version came out( I downloaded the update & installed it. Now when my DVD conversion to Mp4 gets to 99% I get a "MP4box.exe needs to close" so I hit OK, it wants to report to M$, yada yada... (sometimes the Mp4 is there & sometimes not) I uninstalled, rebooted & re-installed, & then went back to which this doesn't happen with. Has anyone else had this problem? Does Slysoft know of it? How do I report the error if not(If they don't know about it)? Regards, PCfixinman
I cant answer why this is happening. But I would contact slysoft for and report this problem. They would most likely fix the problem and put a new version out for download. so yeah i'd contact slysoft.
Same problem here. I had the trial version which worked great but when I purchased it the dumb thin give me the error at the end. I contactd slysoft and waiting for a reply. Misery loves company, I am glad I' not the only one.
It is probably just a glitch in the software, such as the glitch in the 1.1 firmware for the iPod. The same thing happened to me with Cucusoft a while back except there was no error message, it just shut down. I screwed with the settings a bit and it works fine now. Kinda weird, but it worked ;-)