I just got another email from slysoft today.That's at least 3 or 4 updates this week. I tried updating to but get an error: I retried/ignored and that error keeps popping up.Had to abort twice. I usually go to their main website,download it,let it run instead of save to harddrive/close out other windows/let it run and reboot- without any issues till now. Anyone else having any trouble?
I saw your post and went ahead and d/l ed this version. It installed over the previous one without any problems. Have you tried downloading it again? Maybe something got corrupted in the process. I've got several of the older AnyDVD .exe files, if you need one let me know and I'll put it on line. Edit: I opened my AnyDVD folder and the AnyDialog.dll is there, seperate from the AnyDVD.exe so you may not even need it. You might want to open your folder and see what you have in there. Did you get the program to install without that file?
I tried 3 times before I went to bed. I just got up and turned on my pc and had a message that new version of anydvd was available. Now this seemed bizarre. It was yesterday,so I went ahead and updated it again,but said new version was still when I got to slysofts home page. This time,it didn't go through the entire process of updating-which I reload it on top of the older one like I always do. I'm on dialup,so it takes up to 5 mins to download the newer/updated versions. This only took a couple seconds. I selected run,she loaded up and ok now. It didn't even tell me to shut down and re-boot.It's basically ready to rock and roll now. Things are getting a little screwy? It must have dowloaded the files that it needed to repair itself? I leave it disabled until the need arrises.
yeah, but the point of updating is to disable the copy protection on the most current movies. if there's a, that means there's something won't do.
I try to update them when they come out. This week seemed like that's all I did was update after update, LOL With all those updates this week,sony must be cooking up something special.
i haven't had any problems with any current movies yet, I usually wait till i have a problem then update. No need to update if you can still backup new movies.
"No need to update if you can still backup new movies." No reason NOT to update unless you're running a cracked version. There are many bugs in the older versions, plus they lack functionality. You may have corruption on all your back-ups, but you haven't yet realized the fact. Why not use the newest version if you paid for the software? You're entitled to free life-time updates.
i also had that error message but i fixed it the error message only comes if any dvd is still running. all u have to do is b4 u uninstall anydvd click clrl+ delete go processes look for anydvd.exe end the it and then uninstall anydvd but if the message comes again check if it is runing again and end it then click retry quick
lol the dreaded CRACKED VERSION...lol just did my update and everything went fine for me.have gotten abotu 7 anydvd updates within the last 3 weeks. has there been one for clonedvd2?
Latest version of CloneDVD Version 2006 04 29 - New: Installer removes old ElbyCDIO.dll versions from CloneCD 3/4 installations to avoid a conflict - New: Installer will only ask for reboot, if a reboot is really necessary - Updated ElbyCDIO access layer - Some minor changes and improvements
I always uninstall then install the newest version and restart the PC. This will minimize any installation problems. Just make sure you have a backup of your key just in case, but you can always choose to keep your registration information.
I tried to backup King Kong and Mrs. Henderson with Anydvd and the latest version of clonedvd. Got copies, but can't read the movies. Tried them on 3 different full size dvd players, no luck. Anyone suspect a bug on the new release? My copy of DVDfab Platinum copied them just fine.
I have upgraded to anydvd and also clone dvd newest version without any problems.since the install i haven't had any problems reading or copying movies.
Love my new ANYDVD and CLONEDVD software. Hope they keep up the fast new decryptions...and stay in business forever!!! Better than..and easier to use than any other DVD copy software. Thanks!!! Don J NOT A NEWBIE!!!! Don J can you copy me now?
Updated CloneDvd and repowered-up computer. My prior problem with backups with AnyDvd no longer exists.