About 5 years ago when virus protectors were crap, as were the computers. Huge virus got my computer and I got a program called Norton Virus that basactly deleted my whole hard drive (everything..like the computer was new) and it also made it alot faster (as computers are when they are new). Well my computer is getting very slow and there isnt anything big on it that I cant burn to a DVD. Just wanted to know if the latest Norton Ghost does that. Restarts Windows. Ive got XP Home. If I upgrade to Pro, will that delete restart Windows? When you sell your computer, there must be some way of getting rid of everything.
Hi, Norton ghost is for making an exact copy of a HDD and transferring to another. Example, you have bought a new HDD that you want as your master without reinstalling everything, ghost your old to your new. Your easiest solution would be to boot off your Windows XP CD and when prompted, format your drive. Just make sure you have backed up personal data first, E-mails and such. Cheers.