Anyone come across a drive with the firmware version of H2IL? My sister and her husband got a new HP computer. It's a lightscribe and she wouldn't let me tear it apart, LOL. It came bundled up with a 250 gb HD,1 gb ram,and Athlon 3800+ Dual processor. Device manager shows me: [bold]HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GSA H2IL[/bold] I've googled for that code and came up with some LG drives,but the firmware version of H2IL did'nt match any of them. Probably a re-badged LG? Maybe even dvd-ram with the lightscribe? Hopefully I can find out what it actually is and figure out which format it may prefer.These new HP pcs don't come with boot discs,so you got to make your own. Any help would be appreciated! Thanx!
the H2IL itself doesn't ring any bells, 'fraid the best i got is the difference between GSA and GWA - ..otherwise you'll have to sneak in and whip the case open
Thanx creaky. At least it's an LG and not an HP burner, LOL I'll have to dl shrink and nero on her pc,test burn a couple of each format and see how they fare. If it's an actual LG,probably the plus format. My sis keeps getting a message for making her backup discs. 1 crash,and she's screwed. I've got a similar HP and had to back up my own OS boot discs. My choice was 10 cds,2 dvds,or 1 DL dvd. I opted for the 2 dvds,put my Benq 1620 in her,and backed it up using Yuden000-T02 fuji. After finding out how crappy of a burner my HP 640c turned out,I'm glad my OS is backed up from a quality benq drive.
nice one, wise move. 10cd's though, that sounds a bit much. But at least you got 'em backed up safely..
Norton Ghost and a dedicated backup partition works wonderfully. It has saved my butt more than one time.