anyone plzzzzz window xp

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by theking22, Jul 11, 2004.

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  1. theking22

    theking22 Guest

    hi guys need help immediatelly.

    u see i need to check and configure my bios setting and others like cpu stuuff and rams overclocking.
    when i press delete when i start the computer it ask me for a password and im just dont know what to do.

    i've format my computer before and it doesnt help. do anyone know some secret password or something to overcome this problem. I've never use those setting before plzzzzzzzzz helppppppp.
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    We're not here at your beck and call.

    Well ideally you can enter the password.

    Because the OS and BIOS are two different entities. If you dont know the password you'll have to reset your BIOS by popping the battery
  3. KoolAid7

    KoolAid7 Guest

    Well, I dont know if this will work in your circumstance, but I had a corrupt BOIS a few weeks ago and had to reflash my BIOS from a floppy. It worked. I think it starts you off from scratch as far as your BIOS is concerned, while leaving your disc info unharmed. U need to find out your MOBO manufacture, download the BIOS that is on your computer now, and reflash it. In my case I had to use awdflash.exe. I dont know if this is the same for yuou or not.

    Good luck
  4. theking22

    theking22 Guest

    do u guys think taking the battery out and put it back on will help? how about files or chances that it stuff up. it sound pretty simply by doing this.

    IS this the common way u deal with it?

    im a newbie and have a good computer so dont want to wreak it.

    p4 2.8
    1 gb ram 333
    120gb seagate
    asus 128 mb geforce 5600
    gigabite motherboard model : GA-8s648fx
    xp home

    do u guys have this problem before and solve it.
    thanx anyway.
  5. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    That'll get rid of the password
  6. theking22

    theking22 Guest

    will it reset my cmos and causing it not to detect drive such as harddrive? plzz help.

    i mean u sure there will be no software fault after doing it.

    if u know can u tell me things that can go wrong?
    thanx in advance..
  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Prolly not but anything can happen.

    Software doesnt really have much to do with BIOS

    Too many things mostly related to user mistake, moving too fast, no common sense, etc Youll be fine
  8. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    It also depends on your motherboard. Some models of Compaqs had a jumper that you could put on to reset the password on the BIOS instead of removing the battery. Check your motherboard documentation.

    By removing the battery and replacing it, it should not have any trouble redetecting your hard drive but any custom settings you had in your BIOS will be reset to the defaults - power management settings, boot order, etc.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2004
  9. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    As Xian suggested --the very first thing you should do is to start looking for that motherboard manual.

    In there you will find documentation as to the Resetting of your Bios password. There is only 2 ways to do this.

    1) is by moving a jumper on your board to ALTERNATE if your board is so equipped. Shutting down the computer then rebooting and putting back the jumper to NORMAL. ALL your bios settings will be reset to default doing this.

    2) removing the CMOS battery on your motherboard ; power out for 2 minutes so the CMOS is drained out then re-installing the battery and powering back in.Again all your Bios settings will return to default.

    The first method is dependant that you find your computer motherboard manual. Using a microscope to read the small printing on the motherboard; moving the jumper is easy.

    The second method can be quite tricky if that battery is soldered on or even glued on the motherboard. If held by clips, be extremely careful not to break them, some are very fragile.

    Once you have regain access to your PC -- its only a matter of resetting your BIOS settings to load your Operating System usually by holding the F8 key at bootup .

    Good Luck !

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper !

    Take Care.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2004
  10. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    When you change the Jumper to Reset the CMOS, dont turn the comptuer on...
    Also when you do this, the comptuer wont power-up.

    Turn the computer off, change the jumper, wait 10 seconds, change the jumper back, then power up.

  11. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    ~~~~grins !!

    Ok --- maybe i was not explicit enough ---

    1)turn the PC off -- put the jumper on ALTERNATE . and reboot. The computer will clear the CMOS entries.

    2)turn the PC Off -- put the jumper back to NORMAL . and reboot. The computer will boot to the system O/S.

    Note the Alternate jumper is a clearing signal being sent to the CMOS by the motherboard manufacturer. It does not disconnect the battery.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper !

    Take Care.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2004
  12. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    When you change the Jumper to clear the CMOS,

    1. You dont need to turn the comptuer on.
    2. The computer wont turn on with it on the Alternative Pins.

  13. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    would you enlighten me and tell me which board manufacturer has this feature ?
  14. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    ummm all of them.....

    When you change the jumper to the Alternative Pins, you are shorting out the circuirt, which forces the CMOS to clear as it as no power.
    So if you change it over for 10 seconds, its like taking the battery out.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2004
  15. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    your ummmmm is saying it loud and clear ! You dont know what you are talking about!

    Cozza1987 -- quit your nitpicking and post your own suggestions . I have seen enough of your posts in here to catalogue you as a ""know it all"" that hides behind a "senior member" appellation in order to make yourself look good.

    As for myself, i have better things to do then enter in a diatribe with people like you.

  16. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Hummmm, i dont know what im talking about...

    A know it all...

    Ok, all i was doing is stating that when you change the CMOS reset jumper, it shorts out the circuit therefore not allowing power to go to the CMOS, hence not having to turn the comptuer on.

    I dont wanna get into a debate either.

    I dont know what im talking about, i just work as a Computer Support Technician, but f**k i dont know anything, and the 18 odd comptuers i have built for customers in the last 6 mths,, still i dont know anything...

    I use Asus, ECS, Giga-byte, MSI motherboards and none of them require u 2 'Power-On' with the jumper on the alternative pins to reset the CMOS. When they are on these pins, the comptuer will not power on, just as if there was no jumper on any of the pins.

  17. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Here you go ~~Computer technician~~

    an excerpt from PC Guide ::Look in your motherboard or system documentation for any evidence of a CMOS clear jumper. This is a jumper on the motherboard that can be used to clear the CMOS memory; many newer motherboards have them. Follow the instructions for its use as described in the documentation; usually this means[bold] opening the PC, changing the jumper to a special setting, and then booting the PC[/bold]. The CMOS memory will be cleared. Then you power the PC down and put the jumper back to its previous position.
    building a few Pcs from parts engineered by others does not qualify you as an expert ! I will put my credentials as a System Engineer for a large multinational against yours any day. So get off your throne and keep up to date on developments in motherboard design.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper !

    Take Care.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2004
  18. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2004
  19. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Now you cant read !!

    ""opening the PC, changing the jumper to a special setting, [bold]and then booting the PC.[/bold] ---- that means puting the power to it. Duhhhhhhhhhh!

    shakes head at the clown !
  20. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Maybe IBM comptuers are slightly differnt.

    But all the motherboards i have used, u dont need to.
    Maybe older comptuers bak in the P1/P2 age i think u need 2 power on


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