Hey guys I've had my Nikon 8800 for a few months now. It's not your normal camera you actually have to know what you're doing hehe. I was just wondering if anyone out there has the same camera so maybe we could chew the fat about different techniques and what settings are best for certain lighting; whether or not the hotshoes, wide angle lenses, etc etc are worth the $.
the lenses are not worth the money neither is the camera i am a student at green river community college studying photography i have completed photo 101 102 103 the nikon coolpix 8800 series camera is a piece of junk we had students that couldn't even get it to work we had lenses malfunction hotshoes fail and that was just the beginning we had are own teacher try to figure out the camera and all they could do was figure out how to turn the thing on my recommendation is if you just purchased this camera return it to the store for a full refund you will be glad you did buy a sony,kodak,hp,minolta and other brand but nikons suck
Haha that sucks. I thought it was just cause I was a newb and didn't know all the swings of the camera I've taken a few good ones though. I really think it's a good camera just not easy to use.
Personally I have never used the Nikon Coolpix 8800 but I wouldn’t say any of the problems you have are because Nikons suck, but what I would say is that for the same sort of money (£500 or $860 I think that’s how much they cost, correct me if I’m wrong) you could get a second hand digital SLR. Like a Nikon D70 or Cannon eos 350d. which are much more professional cameras. And what ever you do whether you stay with the coolpix or if you upgrade. To figure out how it works. Just play about with it for ages and if you cant work something out, go to the manual. lol
Oh well I don't have any problems like the other guy who's teacher couldn't get it to work I just wanted to know if anyone has any preferences with shutter speeds in low light stuff like that etc. It's a little crazy there are alot of different shooting modes but it gives you awesome versatility.
Here are a couple pics I've taken testing different aspects of the camera I know they may look a tad grainy but it's because they've been compressed so much down to 200kb from 12Mb hehe. I'm no photographer but I think they look pretty good.
they're good pics. you definatly have an eye for it. as far as how the camera works, just look up the basic proerties of a camera on the i_net. things like aperture, shutter speed, and how they work together, what they do? once you no the basics you will understand abit more about the different settings. then when there is a spacific photo you want to take go back to the net and look up different technics for the given senario, to give advice on all of the setting is just to general. there is just to much info for people to say. aslo do you have any other equitment other than your camera? and/or what upgrades where you thinking of getting? and what area of photography are you looking to get into?
I really like sunsets; stuff like that but I want to do everything. I just have stupid lenses that came with a package I recieved. A UV lense that is supposed to be left on all the time to make the picture supposedly better and protect the actual lens. I have a lens for indoor that I never use I think it's for flourecent lights or something. And then I have a solar lense that changes the vignetting. Which is pointless because I have photoshop and you can correct that easier than with a lens on a camera. Here are a couple things I've been looking into getting. Tele http://www.axelwolf.org/Digital-Cameras/B00062824I.php A Hot Shoe? sorry still new to some of the terminology that is a hot shoe speedlight right? haha http://www.hotbuyselectronics.com/item_detail.php?item_id=105567 And for fun. a wide angle but yet again doubtful that I'll get this one becuase -> (photoshop) http://www.netdata.net/ssproduct.asp?pf_id=10287827