Anyone wanna help me???

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Oakley28, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. Oakley28

    Oakley28 Regular member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    ok so ive just got my xbox and i want to buy a good NON SOLDER chip that will pay all types of back ups and is easy to install.

    Could someone point me in the right direction and i also need good step-by-step instructions of what to do cuz im new to the xbox world.

    thanks in advance
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    well first tell us what kind of xbox you have v1.0-v1.5 or a 1.6
    i am going to tell you now i.6 even with the xapter is a hastle but 1.0 - 1.5 is easy the xecuter 3 will do just fine if you dont wanna spend much money get the 2.6 instead with the solderless adapter.
  3. Oakley28

    Oakley28 Regular member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    how much will this cost??? ive done ma PS2 but new to xbox.

    The info of my xbox is as follows: -

    Date = 2003 - 08 - 20

    Serial = 5083784 33405

    I think it's a 1.1 but couldnt find out for certain. Any good sites for the 2.6?
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea there are a bunch of sites the xecuter 2.6 solderless will run your around 60 bux with shipping,i ordered mine from fast service and they give you full manuals if you buy it from there.....
  5. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    get the X3ce chip and they are not difficult at all to solder in or you can get the solder-less adapter if you so choose. the 1.6 requires the PCB rebuild but it's not difficult at all either. I've modded over 30 XBOXs and 300+ PS2s, if you can mod a PS2 you can do a XBOX with your eyes closed. other then the 1.6 rebuild, there are 4 wires to be soldered on a X3ce chip and all are huge contact points.

  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    hey KC i dont want to stray from the topic but can you give me some quick pointers on soldering the wires to the motherboard i have did the lpc holes but really dont know how to do the wires on the motherboard any tips will be greatly appreciated.....
  7. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    clean all contact points with 100% isopropyl alcohol then apply a small bit of paste flux to each contact point, apply flux to the wire and then tin the wire. then place the wire onto the contact point and apply heat. i keep my iron set at 700* and as soon as it touches the wire (sitting on the contact point in the flux you applied) it melts and adheres. you shouldn't have to ever add solder to the contact point, there should be enough on the wire from the tinning to suffice.

  8. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    Oakley28 : or you can softmod it and its less risky and very very excellent way ... cheaper faster better :D and its xbox live friendly
  9. theridges

    theridges Guest

    thanks kc
  10. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    it's obvious to me from seeing several of your posts the past few minuets that you know next to nothing about modding and what can and can't be done with a chipped box, sometimes it's best to just keep your mouth shut (or in this case fingers off the keyboard) so you don't draw attention to your ignorance.

    if that were even the slightest bit true, do you honestly believe that modchips would still be a multi million dollar a year business??

  11. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    true that modchips have full control over xbox but do you even know whats going on with softmods????

    maybe i should ask you the question kc just because i joined this website and it says newbie on my membership doesnt mean crap....

    sid 4 or 4.5 is the best softmod their is ... softmod instaler deluxe

    and no softmod of any kind in the world can ever beat sid 4 .0 or 4.5

    if you really want to wanger that i can beat you softmoding an xbox in less then 5-10 mins compared to you puttin a chip then how much you wanna wager????? go to if you dont belive me

    right their i have over 1,000 post and over their ppl can vouch for me .... admins moderators and thousnds of xbox hq members!
  12. theridges

    theridges Guest

    that means nothing i started out softmodding but bought a chip to fix a broken xbox, now i always prefer a chip to a softmod its always the safer way and you can get them for next to nothing. im glad i softmodded my first box because it game me a lot more information on the xbox and what it could do but in no way is it better than a chip especially with the people today that dont know anything about computers or xbox's and come here because they messed there xbox up and need help when with a chip its an easy fix....
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2006
  13. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    im not talking of the long run outcome , im more talking like if you try installing it . a chip can take up hrs ( if you do not damage the xbox while in the process) and a softmod is cheaper and faster...

    the reason why i say the softmod is better well cuz a few factors...

    a chip was better for xbox live , a softmod can now do that

    a chip was good because it could be turned on and off... a softmod can do that .....

    can fix all ... a softmod cannot however since these new softmods out their its impossible to break the mod.....

    and a softmod in less then 5 mins you got a fully working softmoded xbox ....

    but its up to the user to choose between a softmod vs a chip .
  14. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    from start to finish with a solderless adapter i can install most chips in less then 10 min. nobody can start to finish with all new equipment softmod in that same amount of time.

    also you say it's softmod you have to own an action replay and the original game to install the exploit. cost is equal to if not more then a chip. with a chip i can pop a new harddrive in and format it and have it playing in less then 5 min, again your isn't any faster if even as fast.

    you can continue to boast about softmodding and there will always be many people who'll jump on your bandwagon that it's superior to a chip but it's ONLY because they've never owned a chip. I've been modding for over 11 yrs and done thousands of consoles from PSX/PS2/XBOX, there will never be a shortage of future chip owners simply because there is, nor will there ever be, a superior way to mod/hack a game console. and in one of your posts you claim some games wont work off the HD with a chip but will with a softmod, i myself have never found a single game that didn't work off the HD with my chip.

    softmodding works for you and your 100% content with it but it'll never be the top dog over a chipped console. drive your pinto with pride while your passed countless times by beamers.

  15. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    lol i didnt clain some games not playin on chiped box... i belive that was another senoir member on your website . re read the thread ..... sorry for inconvience
  16. Oakley28

    Oakley28 Regular member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    so back to what the thread should of been about when i made it. Can anyone tell me the version of my xbox lol?? so i can buy my CHIP????
  17. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    if you softmod it you dont need to know your xbox ver... this softmod that nknave did covers ALL xbox kernal all xbox ver . from 1.0 to 1.6b or what ever is the newest....

    it is extreamly easy and very extreamly secure unlinke any other softmod i'v seen . you can go to xbox live with no ban .

    and its faster and easier then a chip .

    but if you want to make things hard then do the fellowing...

    open up your xbox torx 20 15 and 10 then identify EACH componet inside of the xbox ( yes this means going to xbox scene , get flamed and doing alot of homework ) just for this chip ....

    or you can just get a game the ar kit and load on the xbox and less then 5 mins you got a fully modded xbox and xbox live friendly / compatible ... no ban or i grant you a new eeprom.

    so which 1 you think is better lol?
  18. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    the date code on the bottom silver sticker tells you everything you need to find out which version it is, you don't have to open the box as dumbass suggested.

    I'd recommend an X3ce chip to you and it doesn't matter which version you have it'll work in it. if you have a 1.6 it will require the PCB rebuild (not a biggie at all) but that comes in the kit with the chip on everyone i've gotten for customers.

  19. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    as you may know the serial on the stickers is not 100% acurate as even the software that does it tell you ....

    xbox identifier will tell you based on the serial # ... but it will say " this is just a test it may or may not be 100% acurate"

  20. Oakley28

    Oakley28 Regular member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    yeah ive noticed that!!! no offence dude but i wanna go for a chip this time and i want a SOLDERLESS one. could anyone reccomend me a website were they are cheap, im on a budget :p

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