I think its so artistic. I've made some beautiful warthogs. I'll try and put uo some snapshots later. If anyone would like to work with me and make a skin mod sometime with me, just send me a pm. im on vacation now, though, but in a week or three I'll be back.
ill cant skin but i can mod and ill put links to your skins and mods on m site if you wanna join: http://backupguy.proboards99.com || note to afterdawn || : i am not tying to deter people from using your site, as i have used it for a long time and do not intend to stop. i am trying to build a great clan type thing and that is where my site comes in. anyone else intertested in joining would be welcome. my site will also be used as a linking chain, so anyone with mods or skins in an upload site please give me the link so i can post it on my site.