i have dsl internet service which should be on all the time however lately when i boot up i keep getting a msssage saying,aquiring ip address.sometimes it will take 6o seconds or more to aquire the ip address.before as soon as the boot up was complete i had a internet connection.any ideas out there as to what has gone wrong?i would appreciate any help on this area.
Are you leaving your DSL modem on 24/7 while you shut down your PC or are you turning off everything?
the dsl connection is on all the time.the service provider says they have checked and there is no problem on their end.
Sometimes the DSL modem is set to disconnect while idle for a set period of time, even though it still shows as "ON". Check with your ISP provider as to settings on the modem that can keep it in the always on position. If it is trying to acquire an IP address every so often, then your modem has disconnected itself for what ever reason. As ddp said, did you contact your ISP provider yet?
Well if it is waiting for an ip address to be assigned, it has to be down to your isp, or problems with the communication from your dsl modem, settings altered, dropping out, contention on your line (is it connected to your line at the master box or via an extension line). Maybe be worthwhile reinstalling the modem and see if that cures it................. Or if it is on an extension line, replace the line if feasible................
the last two or three days everything seem to be working ok but i know the problem will surface again when it feels like.i will wait until it happens again and change the modem to see if that will solve the problem.thanks guys!
this wholoe situation comes down to your ISP because your trying to aquire and IP address from a DHCP Server which would be your ISP..... this could be happening because at the time you log on there is alot of traffic running through there network....or there could be collisions on there network which would slow down the assignment considerably.
thanks guys.today is sunday and my tech support for my isp is closed until monday.you can bet i will be calling them first thing monday am.